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The benefits and harms of persimmons: how to get a charge of vitamins, not problems
The benefits and harms of persimmons: how to get a charge of vitamins, not problems

Persimmon is a tasty and healthy berry. However, it also has side effects.

The benefits and harms of persimmons: how to get a charge of vitamins, not problems
The benefits and harms of persimmons: how to get a charge of vitamins, not problems

Why is persimmon useful?

Slows down aging and improves vision

As with all orange fruits, persimmons are high in vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. From 100 g of persimmon, the body can get 12% of the daily value of this important element.

Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals, slows down aging and reduces the risk of cancer. Antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of Diospyros lotus L. extract and isolated compounds.

Vitamin A is also the key to good vision. A lack of vitamin leads to a disease known as night blindness: a person begins to see poorly in the twilight and darkness. Vitamin A defiency.

In addition, beta-carotene will help prevent sunburn: it protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, dryness and cracks. Ameliorative effects of Diospyros lotus leaf extract against UVB-induced skin damage in BALB / c mice.

It is important that persimmons contain vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. This reduces the risk of overdose associated with vision problems, flaky skin, bone pain and liver disease. Hypervitaminosis A. After all, only a twelfth of the beta-carotene molecule, when broken down in the human body, will turn into vitamin A (retinol).

Strengthens the immune system

Persimmon boasts another antioxidant in its composition. This is vitamin C - the well-known defender of the immune system Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) fruit: hidden phytochemicals and health claims. 100 g of fruit contains 10% of the daily value of this vitamin, which helps prevent colds and flu. True, it is effective only as a prophylaxis. If a cough and a runny nose are on the way, persimmon will no longer save them.

Cheers up

Persimmon is sweet because it contains a lot of monosaccharides: glucose and fructose. And this is the healthiest type of sugar. It strengthens the heart and improves mood, and does not affect the figure as much as, for example, sucrose. So persimmon is also the same antidepressant and sedative. In vivo and in silico sedative-hypnotic like activity of 7-methyljuglone isolated from Diospyros lotus L., like chocolate, only less high in calories: 100 g contains only 60–70 kcal.

Fights disease

The high content of potassium and magnesium in persimmon is the key to strengthening the walls of blood vessels and heart muscle.

Its astringent effect is attributed to the Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) fruit tannins: hidden phytochemicals and health claims. These compounds will help treat diarrhea.

Relieves swelling

Persimmon is considered a diuretic because it contains a lot of water. By removing excess fluid from the human body, it helps with edema. At the same time, the body does not lose potassium: this macronutrient is contained in persimmon, so the losses are immediately replenished.

Why persimmon is harmful

Causes constipation

True, persimmon also has a downside. Excess tannins Tannins can cause constipation. And the regular abuse of persimmon for several years even leads to the formation of bezoars in the stomach - dense balls of poorly digested substances A rare cause of gastrointestinal phytobezoars: diospyros lotus.

May lead to yellowing of the skin

The benefits and harms of persimmon
The benefits and harms of persimmon

It is worth remembering that too much beta-carotene in the body can lead to yellowing of the skin of Carotenemia, especially in children. True, this condition does not pose a health hazard and you can reach it if you eat 2-3 kg of carotene-containing products per week.

How much persimmon can you eat

So persimmon is good in moderation. Healthy adults are advised to eat no more than four fruits per day.

To minimize the negative effects of persimmons, eat only ripe fruits: they have less tannins.

If you let unripe berries lie in the refrigerator, they will ripen, become sweeter, and the astringent effect will weaken. This means that the content of tannins in the fruit will also decrease, so there will be no need to be afraid of intestinal problems.

Who needs to be careful

People prone to constipation

Tannins "glue" the contents of the stomach. This property will help fight diarrhea, but it will only aggravate the situation for people prone to constipation.

Overweight people

Beneficial monosaccharides are still sugar. Therefore, those who are overweight should not get carried away with persimmon: one or two fruits a day should be enough.


Persimmon is not contraindicated in Assessment of the Therapeutic Potential of Persimmon Leaf Extract on Prediabetic Subjects for type 2 diabetes, however, it is recommended to eat no more than one fruit per day, and the berry should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with one slice.

Each person's body can react to sugar in persimmons differently, so diabetics should consult a doctor.


Persimmons can be eaten during pregnancy. But it is worth again remembering the high content of sugar and tannins in it, which can lead to problems with a tendency to excess weight and constipation.

However, the benefits of persimmon for pregnant women still outweigh the possible unwanted effects. If you eat no more than one or two fruits per day, persimmon rich in vitamins and microelements will benefit both mother and baby.

Breastfeeding should remember that persimmon, like any other fruit, can cause allergies in the baby.

For children

But children under three years old cannot eat persimmon. Again, tannin is to blame, which can cause constipation in the baby Small bowel obstruction in children due to persimmon phytobezoars.

Persimmon acts unpredictably on the fragile intestinal tract of a child, therefore, children from three to ten years old should be given it with caution, starting with one or two lobules. And immediately exclude from the diet if the baby begins to have an allergy or intestinal problems.
