How to make any frittata without a prescription
How to make any frittata without a prescription

Italian omelette frittata is perhaps one of the easiest dishes to prepare without a recipe. In addition, such an omelet can include a wide variety of fillings: meat, cheese, vegetables. We decided to pay special attention to the latter, because the cold is not far off, and it is time to say goodbye to the remnants of the summer harvest.

How to make any frittata without a prescription
How to make any frittata without a prescription

Frittata is a great way to use whatever is idle in the fridge. Gather vegetables together (we have broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers), take hard cheese, ricotta or regular cottage cheese - the filling for the omelet is ready. If you have leftover sausage or meat on hand, use them as well.

Calculate the number of eggs for an omelet based on the size of the pan and the number of eaters, on average from six to ten pieces is enough.


Whisk eggs with a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper. You do not need to add any cream or milk, the omelet will rise perfectly already due to the proteins. You can add the cheese now, or you can sprinkle it on top when the eggs are in the pan.


As we said, anything can be used as a filling for frittata, the main thing is to avoid watery vegetables. If you decide to use tomatoes, be sure to simmer them along with the rest of the ingredients to get rid of excess moisture. It is better to pre-blanch hard vegetables in salted water and only then put them in the pan.

Frittata cooked with fat melted from meat products is much more aromatic. Therefore, if you decide to add ham or sausage, first brown it yourself and transfer it to napkins, and fry the vegetables on the remaining fat. If meat is excluded from the filling, then a spoonful of butter or olive oil can be a worthy substitute for meat fat.


When the vegetables are half cooked, cover them with eggs and distribute the filling in the thickness of the omelet, stirring the ingredients slightly. Reduce heat and wait for the bottom of the frittata to grab, place a spatula under it and lift the edges of the omelet so that the raw eggs drip from the surface into the pan.


When the eggs are completely set (usually about 10 minutes), place the frittata under the grill to brown the top as much as you like, because when you cook without a recipe you can do whatever you want, right?


Frittata is good both hot and cold.
