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5 of Jamie Dornan's best roles you might not know
5 of Jamie Dornan's best roles you might not know

The life hacker collected pictures with an IMDb rating of at least 6, 4 and arranged them by time of creation.

What to see with Jamie Dornan besides Fifty Shades of Gray
What to see with Jamie Dornan besides Fifty Shades of Gray

Jamie Dornan started out as an in-demand model. The future actor has starred for Calvin Klein Jeans, Dior and Giorgio Armani. But Dornan's real dream has always been a movie career.

Lifehacker recalls the best roles of the actor. Maybe less famous than Christian Gray in Fifty Shades of Gray and its sequels, but definitely worth more attention.

1. Marie Antoinette

  • USA, France, Japan, 2006.
  • Biographical film, drama.
  • Duration: 123 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6, 4.

Forced marriages are not uncommon for royalty, especially during the Gallant era. Here is the pretty Marie Antoinette (Kirsten Dunst), the youngest daughter of the Empress of Austria, not willingly marries the heir to the throne of France Louis XVI (Jason Schwartzman). It is not easy to adapt to the Parisian court: poor Antoinette is never left alone for a minute, and her husband is in no hurry to fulfill his marital duty. Then the girl finds solace in a hedonistic lifestyle: she turns on a lady-in-waiting, eats sweets day and night and buys luxurious outfits.

Jamie Dornan made his acting debut in Sofia Coppola's costume historical drama, where he played the refined Count Fersen. Keira Knightley helped him get this role - at that time she was dating Jamie.

In the film, Count Fersen was Marie Antoinette's lover. But the historical reliability of this episode is questionable - most likely, in reality, Fersen's relationship with the Queen of France did not go beyond friendly.

2. Once upon a time

  • USA, 2011–2018.
  • Fantasy, drama.
  • Duration: 7 seasons.
  • IMDb: 7, 8.

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) considers herself the most ordinary girl. Exactly until the moment when the boy Henry (Jared Gilmore) appears in her life and declares that he is her son. Together they travel to the city of Storybrooke, whose inhabitants are not ordinary people, but fairy-tale characters enchanted by the Evil Queen. Emma is the chosen one. She can save them all.

In the series, each actor appears in two guises: an ordinary person in reality and a hero from a fairy-tale world. Jamie Dornan played the Sheriff of Storybrooke. And in the fairy tale, he was the Hunter, whom the Evil Queen sends to kill his stepdaughter Snow White.

3. Collapse

  • UK, 2013-2016.
  • Thriller, crime drama.
  • Duration: 3 seasons.
  • IMDb: 8, 2.

In the center of the plot of the psychological thriller directed by Allan Cabitt is the talented police officer Stella Gibson (Gillian Anderson), who is on the hunt for the serial killer Paul Spector (Jamie Dornan). He's a Belfast psychologist with a double life.

For his role as a charming sadist, Jamie Dornan was nominated for a BAFTA TV Award for Best Actor. According to Dornan, the main source of inspiration for him was the TV series "Dexter", which also centers around an irresistible killer.

4. Anthropoid

  • Czech Republic, Great Britain, France, 2016.
  • War drama.
  • Duration: 120 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7, 2.

The National Liberation Committee of Czechoslovakia sends agents Josef Gabchik (Cillian Murphy) and Jan Kubis (Jamie Dornan) to Nazi-occupied Prague. They must eliminate Reinhard Heydrich, nicknamed the Prague Butcher, one of the most important people in the Reich.

The story of Heydrich's liquidation has been filmed several times. She also formed the basis for such films as "Operation Sunrise" (1975), "Lidice" (2011), "Himmler's brain is called Heydrich" (2017).

5. Siege of Jadoville

  • Ireland, South Africa, 2016.
  • War drama.
  • Duration: 108 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7, 3.

Based on a true story by Irish director Richie Smith, the film follows the mission of peacekeeping soldiers in the young African state of Congo. There is a bloody civil war in the country. A small Irish battalion, designed to protect civilians, is attacked by local separatists with the support of French mercenaries.

Dornan played Commandant Patrick Quinlan, head of the UN peacekeeping battalion. Like other actors, at the insistence of the director, he had to undergo proper training in a military camp in South Africa.
