Table of contents:

Lazy Guru Philosophy: How to Achieve What You Want Without Effort
Lazy Guru Philosophy: How to Achieve What You Want Without Effort

If you are tired of constantly rushing, then it's time to get acquainted with the Lazy Guru - a superhero who lives inside each of us. He will teach you how to deal with business without irritation and rush and relax at any time.

Lazy Guru Philosophy: How to Achieve What You Want Without Effort
Lazy Guru Philosophy: How to Achieve What You Want Without Effort

Surely you have heard the expression: "He does not live, but tirelessly fusses." The frantic pace of life makes us run at breakneck speed. We have long lost the feeling of serenity and do not even remember what it is like to just do nothing. Or do what we should, but without the panic fear of being late, do less than it should be, show not all our abilities, but only as much as we want.

lazy guru
lazy guru

So continue to rush into the bright future, which you just can't catch up with? If you are tired of this, then it's time to get acquainted with the Lazy Guru - a superhero who lives within yourself. He will teach you how to deal with business without irritation and rush, relax at any moment and achieve a state of flow.

Who is the Lazy Guru

This is a serene creature living on the green bank of a quiet river right in the depths of your soul. Yes, yes, inside each of us there is a forest or an island of tranquility (each has its own) with silence, gentle wind, barely moving the treetops, a murmuring river and chirping birds. This is the country of the Lazy Guru. Your own country.

Lazy Guru: who is it
Lazy Guru: who is it

If you find it, then it will pull you out of the mad bustle and desire to do everything and even more.

Philosophy of the Lazy Guru

There are different ways to look at the stress and pressure that comes on us on a daily basis. The philosophy of the Lazy Guru offers one of the most pleasant options - not-doing, or Wu-Wei (as the ancient Chinese sages called this state), in combination with the state of flow. What is this for? To do less and get more done. And feel happy.

Think back to yourself as a child. We are born lighthearted, calm and creative, but as we grow up, this leaves us. We become the most ordinary adults who are constantly in a hurry. To get back to basics and reach the state of flow, you need to do three things:

  • stay;
  • tune in;
  • let go.

This is the philosophy and the way of the Lazy Guru at the same time.

lazy guru: the way
lazy guru: the way

How to Become a Lazy Guru

Here's a recipe from Lawrence Shorter, author of The Lazy Guru's Book. Try it today. Now. This is as easy as shelling pears to do.

1. Stop

It doesn't matter where you are now and what you are doing at this moment - just stop. Stop doing what you are doing. Just wait.

When you stop, you free up space - this allows you to look at what is happening much wider. Clearing space is the first step towards getting out of stress.

2. Tune in

What does the Lazy Guru do next? It tunes to the desired wavelength, like a radio receiver. Each of us has a frequency at which we are happy with everything, we feel happy, creative and free people. When you find your wave and learn to tune in to it without interference from other radio programs (a million things), you will become more aware.

3. Forget

Even when we try to relax from time to time, there is still a feeling that a part of us is tense, as if it is waiting for something, or has made a decision, or knows what will happen next. The words "must", "must" and "forgot to do" are spinning in my head. Try to forget about everything and stop thinking at least for a split second.

What for? The fact is that we cling not only to actions and to people, but also to our own feelings. Anger, bitterness, envy, resentment, pride, powerlessness, sadness - sometimes we experience these emotions (and this makes us uncomfortable), but we never want to forget about them.

The ability to forget about your duties and affairs (about those that weigh and press on us) is one of the most important skills of the Lazy Guru.

Now you know three steps to help you become a Lazy Guru. If you can practice them regularly, you will have absolutely everything you need to become a Lazy Guru yourself. Or maybe teach it to others.
