Table of contents:

How to stop vomiting on your own
How to stop vomiting on your own

In some situations, the help of a doctor is needed.

How to stop vomiting on your own and when to call an ambulance
How to stop vomiting on your own and when to call an ambulance

Vomiting is a protective reflex of the body, which in this way gets rid of substances that irritate the digestive tract. This could be poor quality food, alcohol, or medication.

Sometimes vomiting with or without nausea appears Nausea and vomiting / Mayo Clinic due to various diseases. For example, pathologies of the liver and gallbladder, dysfunctions of the thyroid and pancreas, and brain diseases.

Sometimes the reflex occurs due to motion sickness, severe pain, migraine, brain tumor, or after chemotherapy. Vomiting can occur in pregnant women in the first trimester due to toxicosis.

When to see a doctor

Call an ambulance immediately if vomiting is accompanied by Nausea and vomiting / Mayo Clinic with the following symptoms:

  • chest pain;
  • severe abdominal pain or cramps;
  • blurred vision;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • heat;
  • the smell of feces or feces in vomit;
  • bleeding from the anus;
  • vomiting green or mixed with blood;
  • severe headache that never happened;
  • signs of dehydration - thirst, dry mouth, infrequent urination, and dark urine.

Make an appointment with a doctor if vomiting and nausea persist for more than two days, for a child under two years of age - more than 24 hours, and for an infant - 12 hours. Consultation will also be required if bouts of nausea or vomiting persist for more than a month or if you are losing weight.

How to stop vomiting on your own

Usually you don't need to do anything, it will pass by itself. To alleviate the condition, doctors recommend Do You Know When to Visit the Hospital for Vomiting? / Cleveland Clinic:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. This will help keep you hydrated. Nausea and vomiting / Mayo Clinic is suitable not only pure water, but also any cold, transparent and even carbonated drinks with a sour taste. For example, ginger ale or lemonade. For some, mint tea helps, it suppresses the gag reflex. And in the pharmacy you can buy special saline solutions for rehydration.
  • Avoid harsh odors and other irritants. They can make vomiting worse. People often get worse from smoke, perfume, food aroma, and being in stuffy and humid rooms. Flickering and driving can also increase vomiting.
  • Eat light food. It can be jelly, crackers, toast, later cereals, fruits, salty and protein and carbohydrate-rich foods can be added to the diet. But it is better to leave spicy and fatty until the moment of recovery. Coarse food should be eaten no earlier than six hours after the last vomiting.
  • Stop taking medications if they are the cause of vomiting. But you cannot give up the drugs on which the maintenance of life depends.
  • Get more rest. Increased activity will only make the nausea worse.

Also, experts advise I. Lete, J. Allué. The Effectiveness of Ginger in the Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting during Pregnancy and Chemotherapy / Integrative Medicine Insights add ginger to food to stop and prevent vomiting and nausea. Its effectiveness has been proven in pregnant women and people undergoing chemotherapy. In the latter case, antiemetic pills are often prescribed.
