Table of contents:

What is erectile dysfunction and how to treat it
What is erectile dysfunction and how to treat it

Every third man over 30 faces this problem in one form or another.

What is erectile dysfunction and how to treat it
What is erectile dysfunction and how to treat it

What is erectile dysfunction

About Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Symptoms and Causes (ED) are said when a man regularly experiences difficulties in his sex life. This includes three components in any combination:

  • an erection does not occur at all;
  • an erection occurs, but it is impossible to keep it;
  • neither the erection itself, nor the sexual desire (libido) in a man at all. He just “doesn't feel like it” - even in the most seemingly romantic and exciting conditions.

According to statistics, one or another erection problem is Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in every third man over 30 and every second over 50.

Earlier, erectile dysfunction was called impotence (from Latin impotense - "impotence"). But today, doctors avoid using the “powerless” term for Everything You Need to Know About Erectile Dysfunction (ED) because it is too categorical, carries an offensive connotation, and does not quite fit the problem.

Impotence is a permanent "impotence", while in men with ED, erectile dysfunction can either increase or almost disappear, depending on many factors.

How an erection appears

Erection is a complex process in which Normal male sexual function is involved: emphasis on orgasm and ejaculation the brain, hormones, nerve fibers, muscles, blood vessels.

Having received a signal of sexual stimulation (due to physical caress, observation of a woman's body, fantasies about sex), the brain increases the production of a number of hormones: oxytocin, dopamine, norepinephrine, testosterone. The changed hormonal background provides blood flow and triggers the transmission of nerve impulses to the genitals. The vas deferens begins to contract, pumping sperm from the epididymis, where they are stored, and directing them to the penis. The penis hardens. At the same time, muscle contraction begins at the base of the penis and it rises. This is how an erection occurs.

The slightest disruption at any stage of this process can lead to erectile dysfunction.

A couple of decades ago, men's failures in the intimate sphere were preferred to be attributed to "nerves" - work and family problems, fatigue, stress, loss of interest in a partner. But today, scientists believe that only one in every five cases of ED is associated with psychology. Erectile dysfunction is caused by Psychogenic Impotence in 80% of patients - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics by physical factors - certain diseases or injuries.

What are the psychological causes of erectile dysfunction

These Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can cause ED on their own or exacerbate potency problems due to physical factors.

1. Problems in a relationship with a partner

An erection begins in the brain. If this organ of a man for some reason ceases to perceive a particular woman as an exciting object, the erection mechanism will not be triggered.

2. Stress

Nervous tension sometimes interferes with Can Stress and Anxiety Cause Erectile Dysfunction? the brain correctly transmit signals to the genitals. This means that the penis will not be able to fill with blood or rise.

3. Anxiety, self-doubt

Strong feelings (“Won't they see us?”, “What if I can't do it?”, “Is this a girl with me ?!”) affect the transmission of nerve impulses as negatively as stress.

4. Depression

Anxiety, low self-esteem, and feelings of guilt that accompany depression are in themselves detrimental to erection. In addition, men in this state more often than women lose Depression Basics' interest in their once favorite activity - sex as well.

Even more unfortunate, antidepressants can also suppress sex drive and slow down the process of arousal and orgasm in Depression and Sexual Health.

5. Bad habits

In particular, smoking. What is written on cigarette packages is true. Smoking Really Enhances Is the Relationship Between Cigarette Smoking and Male Erectile Dysfunction Independent of Cardiovascular Disease? Findings from a Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study the risk of erectile dysfunction.

Doctors also look askance at alcohol abuse. However, the data here are not so unambiguous. In some cases, alcohol does make it difficult for Later that night: descending alcohol intoxication and men’s sexual arousal erection. But not necessarily.

The fact is that alcohol has a contradictory effect on alcohol consumption and erectile dysfunction: meta ‑ analysis of population ‑ based studies. On the one hand, strong drinks depress the nervous system, that is, they make it difficult for the transmission of signals from the brain to the genitals. On the other hand, they liberate, remove some physiological brakes and thereby increase sexual desire.

How bad alcohol abuse will affect your particular sexual function depends on many factors. For example, how old are you, whether you smoke, whether you are overweight. But, given that alcohol by itself will not improve your health, it is better not to overdo it with it.

What are the physical causes of erectile dysfunction

We are talking about diseases or disorders that are associated with abnormalities in the brain, hormonal disruptions, the circulatory system or the transmission of nerve impulses. Here are some common examples of Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Symptoms and Causes.

1. Excess weight

Obese men have low testosterone levels Lowered testosterone in male obesity: mechanisms, morbidity and management. And it affects both libido and erection. In addition, obesity can cause hypertension and hardening of the arteries, which reduces blood flow to the penis.

And a blurry, overweight body is a common cause of low self-esteem. You already know what it threatens.

2. Hypertension

Approximately 30% of men suffering from high blood pressure complain of new insights into hypertension-associated erectile dysfunction of erectile dysfunction.

Moreover, a vicious circle is observed here: problems with potency can be caused by both hypertension and the drugs that treat it.

3. High cholesterol

"Bad" cholesterol is deposited on the walls of the blood channels and creates fatty plaques on them. They constrict the lumen of blood vessels, impair blood circulation and, in particular, interfere with the supply of blood to the penis. It is difficult to get a stable strong erection under such conditions.

4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Any failures in the work of the heart and blood vessels disrupt the mechanism of erection.

5. Diabetes mellitus

Erectile dysfunction and diabetes: Take control today damages the nerves and blood vessels. With predictable consequences for an erection.

The fact that in diabetes mellitus the testosterone level is often reduced by Hypogonadism (Low Testosterone) also contributes.

6. Sleep disorders

Sleep is an essential biological process necessary for both physical and mental health. Sleep, Sleep Disorders, and Sexual Dysfunction physiological processes are disrupted in the body when we do not get enough sleep. For example, testosterone production worsens and muscle reflexes decrease - including in the bulbocavernosus muscle, which is responsible for raising the penis during erection. The outcome is predictable.

Insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and other sleep disorders are closely associated with the development of erectile dysfunction.

7. Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which nerve fibers scattered throughout the brain and spinal cord are damaged (hence the name "diffuse"). Signals from the brain to organs, tissues and back begin to pass with a hitch, which affects health, performance and potency.

8. Spinal cord injury

Erectile dysfunction can be the result of a fall or a hard blow to the back or pelvis.

How to treat erectile dysfunction

It depends on what is causing the problem. So the first step is to see a therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination, check your nerve and muscle reflexes, ask in detail about your lifestyle and psychological state, offer to take blood and urine tests and, possibly, do an ultrasound of the penis (this is necessary to detect problems with blood flow).

It may turn out that your situation is caused exclusively by the wrong way of life. In this case, the therapist will advise Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Diagnosis and Treatment exercise and tell you what and how to correct in the diet.

If the cause of erectile dysfunction is deeper, you will get a referral to a specialist. It can be a urologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, psychotherapist. Doctors can help you deal with the psychological and physical problems that lead to ED.

But in order to restore an erection, it is often not necessary to wait for the end of therapy. There are several ways to quickly get rid of the problem:

  • Taking certain medications- in tablets or in the form of injections. The drugs improve blood circulation and the conduction of nerve signals.
  • Hormone replacement therapy. This method is indicated if there is no erection due to insufficient production of some important hormone.
  • Using vacuum pumps for the penis. These devices are a hollow tube with a manual or battery operated pump. The penis is inserted into the tube, then air is pumped out of it with the help of a pump. This creates a vacuum that literally draws blood into the penis. Then a tension ring is put on the base of the penis to trap the blood and keep the penis firm. The receiver goes off and you are ready for action. Remember to remove the ring after intercourse.
  • Falloprostheses. They are also penile implants, or penile implants. The surgeon will sew these devices on the sides of the penis. You can inflate them at the right time and thus ensure yourself an erection.

Your doctor will tell you which of these options will be most effective in your case.

How to prevent erectile dysfunction

It is impossible to guarantee that you will never face this trouble: unfortunately, no one is immune from the same multiple sclerosis or serious injuries. But it is quite possible to reduce the risks.

Doctors tell Erectile Dysfunction (ED) that the most effective way to prevent erectile dysfunction is a healthy lifestyle.

  • Move more. It strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  • Stick to a healthy diet. Try to eat vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat, dairy products every day. And avoid foods that are high in saturated and trans fats, such as fast food or store baked goods.
  • Monitor your weight. It is desirable that the body mass index (BMI) does not exceed 24, 9.
  • Give up bad habits. Try to quit smoking and limit your alcohol intake.
  • Learn to control stress.
  • Regularly undergo preventive examinations with a therapist and specialized specialists. This will help you catch an increase in cholesterol or, for example, prediabetes in the early stages.
  • Treat if necessary. Diagnosed diseases require therapy. Do not postpone it until later: every day it becomes more difficult to defeat the disease.
