Table of contents:

What is osteochondrosis and how to treat it
What is osteochondrosis and how to treat it

Let's start with the discouraging fact. Osteochondrosis is not at all what it seems.

What is osteochondrosis and how to treat it
What is osteochondrosis and how to treat it

What is osteochondrosis really

Osteochondrosis refers to unexplained pain and discomfort in the back and neck. Some doctors associate it with dizziness, memory impairment, numbness of the hands and other unpleasant symptoms. It is believed that the development of this disorder is caused by wear and tear and age-related deformation of the intervertebral discs and other elements of the spinal column.

However, if you read the International Classifier of Diseases (ICD), it turns out that osteochondrosis is a completely different disorder. Evidence-based medicine refers to a group of rare diseases associated with impaired bone development and growth. As a rule, osteochondrosis begins in childhood. It is a serious condition in which part of a joint or bone is sometimes lost.

In general, back pain has nothing to do with real osteochondrosis.

If you complained about discomfort in the area of the spine and heard the diagnosis of osteochondrosis, this only means that your doctor does not adhere to international protocols.

But if this is not osteochondrosis, then what?

Where do the symptoms of osteochondrosis come from?

In international medicine, if a patient complains of discomfort in the spine, he is given a symptomatic diagnosis of back pain. It is extremely common: for example, in the United States, this symptom is the second most popular reason why people see a doctor. In the first place - upper respiratory tract infections (ARVI, influenza).

90% of Americans experience back pain at least once in their life. This percentage may well be attributed to all of humanity.

The causes of back pain can vary. Most often these are:

  • muscle strain associated with lifting something heavy or sitting in one position for too long;
  • scoliosis (unhealthy curvature of the spine);
  • spinal hernia;
  • myalgia - muscle pain caused by various factors, from hypothermia to prolonged stress;
  • accidental injury;
  • arthrosis of the joints of the spine, in which cartilage tissue is destroyed.

How to get rid of pain

Most often, back pain is unpleasant but safe. Only in rare cases can it be associated with serious pathologies of the spine - tumors, inflammatory processes, or, let's say, diseases of internal organs, which signal themselves to pain "reflected" in the back.

In order not to miss a dangerous condition, in case of discomfort (especially if it drags on for weeks, is accompanied by a high temperature, or does not allow you to sleep and lead a normal life), you should consult a doctor - therapist, orthopedist, surgeon. But in most cases, osteochondrosis can be dealt with with simple home methods.

For example, this is what the National Health Service of Great Britain recommends to do for back pain.

1. Be as mobile as possible

It used to be thought that it was better to lie down for back pain. But today the concept is different: the more you move, the better your condition. Take a walk, swim in the pool, do yoga and Pilates, try to lead an active lifestyle.

2. Do back exercises regularly

For example, such exercises have worked well.

3. Take pain relievers if necessary

If back and neck discomfort is making your life worse, you can take an over-the-counter ibuprofen-based product.

4. Learn to relax your back and stay optimistic

By relaxing, you can relieve muscle spasm, one of the most common provocateurs of back pain. Well, optimism will reduce stress and also contribute to relaxation.
