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What profession to get now so as not to sit without work tomorrow
What profession to get now so as not to sit without work tomorrow

10 options for those thinking about the future.

What profession to get now so as not to sit without work tomorrow
What profession to get now so as not to sit without work tomorrow

Thanks to technological, economic and cultural progress, dozens of professions will soon disappear from the world and hundreds more will appear. We studied the data of the Russian "", created by experts in the field of forecasting the future, and selected the ten most interesting and profitable specialties that will be in demand in the coming years.

1. Specialist for wind turbines or solar panels

Wind turbine or solar panel specialist
Wind turbine or solar panel specialist

Humanity is slowly but surely moving towards clean energy. Every year, solar panels and wind turbines are becoming cheaper, and their use is more expedient.

Over time, more and more people and organizations will switch to these types of electricity. So far, there are not so many technicians who can install and repair such equipment, while the researchers believe that the need for such specialists will increase dramatically in the next 5-7 years.

2. Doctor

Everything is simple here: the quality of medicine is improving, living conditions are improving, and its duration is also growing. The number of people living at the same time is increasing, but they continue to get sick from time to time. This means that the profession of a doctor will remain in demand for a long time.

It is believed that in the coming years, physiotherapists, paramedics, phlebotomists (specializing in taking blood) and occupational pathologists (identifying and treating occupational diseases) will be especially needed.

3. Application developer

Promising professions: application developer
Promising professions: application developer

This profession was in demand five years ago and will be relevant in another five. The number of mobile gadgets has long exceeded several billion, and every day hundreds of new applications and games appear in virtual stores.

It is likely that soon almost every large company will develop their programs, because this is one of the most reliable and convenient ways to interact with customers. Logically, for this, organizations will need people who know how to create applications. This includes UX designers, backend developers, QA specialists, and other professionals.

4. Data analyst

Every year mankind accumulates more and more information. Analyzing this data opens up huge business prospects. You can find out how people use certain products, which advertising works more efficiently, how old are customers of different companies, what functions, devices or services they lack.

Many organizations have learned to collect information, but to process it, notice trends, find correlations and cause-and-effect relationships, they will need data analytics professionals.

5. Digital Marketing Specialist

Professions of the future: digital marketing specialist
Professions of the future: digital marketing specialist

Social networks are not losing popularity. People spend a few hours every day with them, and soon they will probably be spending How much time do you spend on social media? there is even more time.

Social media is a great marketing tool. Therefore, the demand for people who know how to create content for the right audience, monitor performance, collaborate with popular accounts and maintain company pages will only grow.

6. Data protection specialist

Computer technologies have already penetrated into every sphere of human activity, and in the future our dependence on them will become even stronger. All our money, personal data, documents, passwords, photos and videos will be stored on servers. Their security will be one of the main tasks of the companies to whom we entrust our information and property.

Information security professionals will be in high demand in both the private and public sectors. Moreover, this profession is unlikely to lose its relevance in the foreseeable future: the more technologically advanced the means of protection become, the more sophisticated the methods of hacking.

7. Quadcopter pilot

Promising professions: drone pilot
Promising professions: drone pilot

Quadrocopters are used in many fields of activity. Video shooting, delivery, archaeological excavations, construction, marketing, protection of the territory - this is not a complete list. In the coming years, mankind will surely find hundreds of other uses for them.

And for each quadcopter, you will need a pilot who can launch the device, control it, and install various accessories like a thermal imager on it. You don't even need a special education to operate a gadget - you just need to take a course or study yourself using a video on the Internet.

8. Computerized Buildings Engineer

More and more homes, offices and factories are becoming smart - they acquire a single digital system that combines surveillance cameras, electronic locks, motion sensors, air conditioners, speakers and many other things. To install such equipment, specialists are needed: engineers, locksmiths, system administrators. And the demand for such professions will surely increase soon.

9. Machine learning specialist

Professions of the future: machine learning specialist
Professions of the future: machine learning specialist

In the mid-2010s, artificial intelligence (AI) such as neural networks and machine learning became popular. For several years, dozens of IT companies have developed their own developments in this area. Neural networks are used in self-driving cars, for drawing, making music, writing scripts, falsifying videos, controlling robots, and much more.

At the same time, the potential of AI is almost limitless. In the future, the list of its capabilities will expand: neural networks will drive vehicles, find criminals, design houses and write programs. True, someone must first develop and configure them - this is exactly what machine learning specialists are needed.

10. Specialist in overcoming systemic ecological disasters

The development of mankind has a negative impact on the state of nature. Due to the abundance of emissions in the atmosphere, the climate of the planet is changing, millions of tons of toxic plastic enter the ocean, oxygen in the air is becoming less and less due to deforestation, and some species of animals are disappearing.

People only discovered a significant part of these problems decades after they began to create them. A specialist in overcoming systemic environmental disasters is needed just in order to predict the impact of human actions on the environment and prevent destructive and irreversible consequences.

The world is gradually realizing the importance of environmental problems, which means that soon this profession will be in great demand.
