Table of contents:

10 reasons why adults who play computer games are happier
10 reasons why adults who play computer games are happier

How do you feel about games? We will try to prove to you that games are not only fun for children, but also an interesting pastime for adults.

10 reasons why adults who play computer games are happier
10 reasons why adults who play computer games are happier

You probably won't take my word for it. After all, we are used to the fact that games are associated with a useless activity that only brings pleasure to children and strange adults who play instead of supporting their families, chatting with friends and going fishing on weekends. Did I express your thoughts correctly?

For starters, I will give you a study by the University of North Carolina, which proved that adults who play computer games are happier and less depressed than those who do not recognize games.

Should we believe this study? I think yes. If only because there is no research that would prove the negative impact of games on the emotional background of a person. Of course, we've all heard of gamers who fainted from spending 24 hours playing games. But these are rather exceptions to the rule than the norm.

In addition to this research, I would like to give 10 reasons why adults should play computer games.

You will connect with your inner child

Only a few of us after work do something interesting for ourselves. And the constant thoughts of work (especially unloved) lead to depression and boredom.

You can choose any hobby that you like. And if these are games, then why not? Remember how much you played as a child. By creating this connection with yourself as a child, you will realize that you can enjoy many things, not just games.

Games help reduce stress

The older we get, the more problems and obligations fall on our heads. Loans, debts, problems at work - all these create stressful situations. First of all, you need to understand the cause of stress and get rid of it. And playing computer games can help you relax and take some time away from daily stress.

They develop imagination

Anyone who has ever played computer games can say that they put their imaginations to work, associate themselves with the main character, and follow the plot closely. Will it help you in real life? Perhaps yes. After all, we all like people with rich imaginations.

Games are a great topic of conversation

You will be surprised, but a lot of people play computer games. And the next time you're at a party, inadvertently ask your other person about it. And if he loves to play, you have a good topic of conversation.

You will learn how to balance work and play

If you can't get distracted and play all day long, then it's not that the games are bad. It's about you. And games are just one way to distract yourself from problems in life. If they weren't there, you would have found something else. Try to find a balance between fun and responsibilities.

Games develop visual motor skills

prove that people who play computer games have better motor skills and coordination. In this way, you develop your physical skills. Many activities require good coordination and motor skills. For example, driving.

Spending time with friends

If you are tired of going to the same places with your friends, try to diversify your leisure time with computer games. It can strengthen your relationship and help you stay close to your friends.

Games always have a goal

There is always a goal in games, whether it be reaching a new level or some other achievement. This makes your pastime more interesting and exciting.

Exercise can be turned into a game

Working out in and out is great. But sometimes they become too monotonous and annoying. In such situations, gadgets like the Kinect or Wii can be a great outlet.

Awful minutes of waiting in the past

Lines at banks, hospitals and other institutions are sometimes crazy. It is in such situations that an exciting game on your smartphone, tablet or console can help you not only have fun, but also save nerve cells.
