20 tips on how to do twice as many tasks in a week
20 tips on how to do twice as many tasks in a week

The phrase "Time is money" today is more relevant than ever. Energy and productivity help you make more money. Feeling like you are missing something to work effectively? Read on for our 20 tips to improve your productivity.

20 tips on how to do twice as many tasks in a week
20 tips on how to do twice as many tasks in a week

Focus on one task

Time after time, we say that by focusing on one task, you will do it faster and better. Our brains don't multitask well.

Learn to say no

Only the ability to say no will save you time, health, money and make you happy.

Plan your productivity

A productive week starts on Monday morning with a clear plan of action. Undoubtedly, you have unforeseen things to do, but the plan will always keep you in good shape. If you know you tend to be distracted at work, then a weekly routine is essential.

Finish the work week early

Plan your main tasks so that you can handle them before Thursday evening. And spend Friday on those tasks that appeared unexpectedly.

Every morning is a bitter pill

Start each morning with the task you least want to do. Then the rest of the day will be easy and joyful.

Find an observer for yourself

We all work much more efficiently if we know that someone is monitoring the speed and quality of our work. If your boss isn't following you closely enough to inspire you to do great things, talk to a colleague, share your to-do list with him for the week, and have him occasionally wonder how your business is progressing.

Play the comparison

Don't compare yourself to others, but compare the methods you and your successful colleagues use in your work. Look for ideas and develop good habits by observing others.

Completion is better than perfection

Striving for the ideal is a noble impulse. But perfectionism is the main enemy of productivity, only laziness is worse than it. Are you sure that it will be better for your business if you do not 100 tasks in a week, but 15, but just perfect from your point of view? Is this perfection necessary?

Start working earlier

The sooner you start working, the more you will be able to do it. Learn to get up early, eat breakfast, and deal with personal problems before the start of the day. The fewer problems you have in your head, the more efficiently you can work.

Plan a time for relaxation

Work well and rest well, but don't mix one with the other. During work, devote yourself completely to tasks, and on weekends, completely forget about business. You and your brain need a break.

Put up a Do Not Disturb sign

You should have a time when no one will distract you. Mark it on your work calendar or even hang a Do Not Disturb sign on your door. 99% of things can wait until you finish one important task.

Work at intervals

No one can be productive all day long. Work at intervals: 25 minutes for active work, 5 minutes for rest. Don't feel like taking breaks will knock you off your work pace. Ultimately, you will do more and feel better.

Be ruthless to yourself

Have you done this task as efficiently as possible? Always ask yourself the question, "Can I do it faster and better?" Always look for options, ideas, and methods to increase your productivity.

Do what you do best

If there is someone who can do the task better and faster than you, delegate it. Spend more time doing what you do best or what no one else can do.

Take a look back at the past week

At the end of each week, take some time to review your progress. Think about what you could have done better, faster, more interesting.

Turn off notifications

When you're focused on a task at work, don't be distracted by texting. Turn off chat and email notifications for recipients who can wait. During the moments of active work on a task, you should receive extremely important calls.

Know how to prioritize

Think like an emergency doctor: what needs to be done right now, urgently? and focus completely on it. The rest can wait.

Set up automatic payments

We are distracted from working thoughts by current ones: we have to pay for an apartment / loan / internet. Set up auto payments. So you unload your head from unnecessary trash.

Create a "Once a day" list

Many things require your attention only once a day. Maximum two. For example, checking mail and Facebook feed. List these to-dos. Constantly remind yourself to do the list tasks only once and no more.

Don't beat yourself up ahead of time

It takes time to change. Strive for excellence, work actively, but remember that you will not be able to become productive in one week. You need a little time.
