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How to build a career in the COVID-19 era: 5 tips
How to build a career in the COVID-19 era: 5 tips

A period of uncertainty provides an opportunity to prioritize and think about next steps.

How to build a career in the COVID-19 era: 5 tips
How to build a career in the COVID-19 era: 5 tips

A year ago, we boldly looked to the future and made ambitious professional plans. But the pandemic has reshaped the planned routes. Companies froze recruitment and promotion of employees, and entire industries were in deep recession. Is this an obstacle or a new opportunity? Here are some tips to help you use the situation to your advantage in your career.

1. Assess the situation

Decide whether to change your position right now. If you have lost your job, then this is definitely the only possible solution. But then a new question arises: what to do? Mastering a fashionable profession? Change the direction of development completely?

Do not rush to cross out past experiences. List your strengths and acquired skills. For example, you worked in a travel agency, which means that you know how to build communication with a client and select services for individual requests. That is, in fact, you were engaged in sales - and you can move in this direction in other, more sustainable industries today.

Combine your skills and look for a suitable (and interesting for you!) Application.

If you are in a calmer situation and you are not threatened with dismissal yet, avoid rash steps. Consider the pros and cons of changing jobs carefully and skip to tip # 2.

2. Build a career route

Answer honestly the favorite question of all recruiters: where do you see yourself in 5 years? Are you planning to stay with the same company? In what role? Maybe you want to start your own business or go freelance?

Please note: there is a catch in these questions!

As 2020 has shown, rigid planning no longer works in the modern world. Be flexible. Focus not on job titles, company status, or income level, but on the tasks you would like to solve.

Another pitfall is the desire for radical change. If you are not satisfied with the schedule or the level of payment, do not rush to write a letter of resignation. You may be able to negotiate more comfortable conditions at your current place of work.

After answering questions about the future, think about what you are missing for the next step. Search job search sites for positions you are interested in and compare the requirements for candidates indicated in the ads with your experience. This will help you see the gaps and know what to learn. This is exactly what the next piece of advice is about.

3. Learn

2020 was a period of explosive growth in the field of online education: from master classes on baking homemade bread to long-term professional development programs in a variety of specialties. The main thing is not to get lost in the sea of offers. Otherwise, you risk catching yourself reading about the monetary system of Ancient Rome and at the same time listening to a lecture on game theory, but in general you were going to seriously engage in landscape design.

Here are some guidelines for choosing courses and study programs.

  • If you are interested in several programs at once, go through them sequentially, not in parallel.
  • Choose your training programs consciously: consult with colleagues, find feedback and information about teachers, study the course content and training format.
  • Assess your strengths sensibly. If training requires completing tasks, plan for this time (and with a margin!).
  • Use free and short-term courses as demos. Suppose you are thinking about the profession of a programmer, although you have never done anything like this before. Before filling out an application for an annual study, take a short start-up course, complete a couple of tasks and make an informed decision.

4. Edit your resume

Time away is a great opportunity for slowing down and self-esteem. Take this chance to patch the holes in your resume and portfolio.

First, describe your current tasks, taking into account the path you have chosen: omit unnecessary details and focus on key skills and achievements. Imagine yourself in the position of a recruiter: what is left unsaid in your resume or, conversely, redundant? Show your resume to more experienced colleagues and ask for feedback and recommendations.

If your work involves a portfolio, then compose or edit it, add fresh work.

5. Get inspired by interacting with people

Join the online communities of your industry professionals on Facebook, Telegram, or LinkedIn. Firstly, there you will be among the first to learn about vacancies. Secondly, you will be able to establish yourself and meet professionals. Finally, it is a great medium for exchanging ideas and helpful tips.

Take part in networking events. Now it is especially convenient, because you do not need to go anywhere, you just need to have access to the Internet and free time.

Use the time you spent commuting to the office to read books, listen to podcasts, or watch helpful YouTube videos. For inspiration, find people who are successful in your area of interest and learn from their experience.

Remember the main thing: the situation will change sooner or later. Therefore, a period of uncertainty is a unique opportunity to prepare for the next career turn. And even if now you feel at a dead end, take a closer look: maybe there is a new turn ahead?
