Table of contents:

What is a spermogram and how to prepare for it
What is a spermogram and how to prepare for it

The analysis must not only be collected correctly, but also passed on time.

What is a spermogram and how to prepare for it
What is a spermogram and how to prepare for it

What is spermogram

Spermogram Semen Analysis / U. S. The National Library of Medicine is an analysis of freshly collected sperm, which determines its viscosity, acidity and biochemical parameters, as well as examines the number, motility, viability and structure of sperm.

It is considered normal if in one ejaculation from 1, 5 to 5 ml of sperm are collected, in 1 ml of which there are 20-150 million spermatozoa. Moreover, at least 60% of them must have the correct structure and move forward.

Sperm quality problems may indicate infertility or infection. The latter can also lead to difficulties with conception.

When a spermogram is prescribed

The urologist-andrologist can refer Semen Analysis / U. S. National Library of Medicine for analysis if infertility is suspected. This diagnosis is made when a couple tries unsuccessfully to conceive a child for 12 months.

In addition, a spermogram is done for men who have decided on a vasectomy Vasectomy / U. S. National Library of Medicine. This is the name of the operation, during which the surgeon ligates the vas deferens. A man becomes sterile, but at the same time he retains potency. Analysis in this case is required to make sure that the operation gave the desired effect. A spermogram is done by Semen Analysis / LabTestsOnline no earlier than 3 months after the vasectomy.

Another study of semen is carried out with Klinefelter syndrome / U. S. National Library of Medicine, which is usually diagnosed in boys during childhood. This is a hereditary disorder in which an extra female chromosome appears. Therefore, in adulthood, a spermogram is prescribed to determine if there is concomitant infertility.

A spermogram is not used to detect infections; in this case, a smear is taken from the urethra. But analysis can reveal signs of a similar disease.

Sperm for Semen Analysis / U. S. National Library of Medicine more than once. Usually, when diagnosing infertility, at least two tests are done with an interval of up to two to three weeks. And after a vasectomy, the study is carried out until the sex cells disappear in the sperm. That is, their number should gradually decrease.

How to prepare for a spermogram

2–5 days before the study, a man should stop having sex and masturbating by Semen Analysis / LabTestsOnline. This is necessary to obtain the most concentrated semen sample. But you cannot abstain for more than 5 days, otherwise sperm motility will decrease and the analysis will be poor.

Also, doctors do not recommend drinking alcohol a few days before sperm donation, because it impairs sperm production.

How semen is collected

The most common way is Semen Analysis / U. S. The National Library of Medicine is masturbation. It is studied in the laboratory in a specially designated office, while lubricants cannot be used. The ejaculate is collected in a sterile container.

If this method of collecting material is not suitable, you can have sex in a condom without lubrication, which will be given by your doctor.

Some men collect semen at home. But in this case, you need Semen Analysis / U. S. National Library of Medicine to deliver it to the laboratory within 30 minutes. It is important that the temperature of the semen does not fall below 36 ° C, otherwise the test result will be invalid. Therefore, during transportation, it is recommended to keep the container closer to the body. For example, in the inner pocket of a jacket.

What indicators are assessed in spermogram

When semen is checked after a vasectomy, Semen Analysis / LabTestsOnline looks for sperm only. If a man is examined for infertility, then many parameters are studied. Here they are Semen Analysis / LabTestsOnline:

  • Volume. The normal amount of ejaculate is 1.5–5 ml, or about a teaspoon. If there are few sperm, then there will be fewer cells in it, and this is not a very good sign.
  • Viscosity. At first, the seminal fluid should be thick, and after 15–20 minutes it should liquefy. If this does not happen, the germ cells will not be able to move quickly.
  • Acidity, or pH. The norm is 7, 2–7, 8. If the indicator is higher than 8, 0 - this is a sign of infection, and below 7, 0 - most likely, urine got into the sample or the man's seminal duct is blocked. In the second case, substances that affect the pH do not enter the sperm.
  • Sperm concentration. This is the number of cells in 1 ml of ejaculate. The normal indicator is at least 20 million, and the total amount in the received sperm should be more than 80 million.
  • The mobility of the germ cells. In a good sample, more than 50% of sperm cells are motile even one hour after ejaculation. Moreover, they move forward at a good speed. If less than half of the cells are moving, a viability test is done to find dead sperm.
  • Sex cell morphology. This is the name of the study of the shape, size and structure of sperm. The more of them have deviations, the higher the likelihood of infertility. Normally, there should be no more than 40% defective sperm.
  • Concentration of fructose. Normal reading is 150 mg / dl. If it is lower, this indicates a lack of nutrients for sperm.
  • The number of leukocytes. 1 ml of sperm should contain no more than 1 million of these cells. Exceeding the norm indicates the presence of infection.
  • Sperm agglutination. This is when they stick together. In this case, the sperm will not be able to fertilize the egg. Agglutination appears if a man has antibodies to germ cells. This is possible due to infection or contamination. For example, an unwashed penis or a dirty jar.

What to do if there are abnormalities in the spermogram

If the doctor discovers that some indicators are not normal and there are signs of infection or male infertility, he will prescribe an additional examination. Based on the results, Semen Analysis / LabTestsOnline will select the appropriate treatment method.

When a spermogram is done after a vasectomy and the number of germ cells in the sample is not decreasing, a second operation may be required.
