How to arrange things on your desktop to attract success
How to arrange things on your desktop to attract success

Is the workplace environment depressing and depressed? Work stagnation? Try using feng shui principles to fix this. In this article, you will learn what and how to put on your desktop so that you are lucky and successful.

How to arrange things on your desktop to attract success
How to arrange things on your desktop to attract success

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that teaches you to position physical objects so as to accumulate positive energy around you. This teaching is based on the assumption that things around a person affect his inner state.

Most often, people resort to feng shui practice when they do not feel comfortable and free in the environment in which they spend a lot of time. For example, in the workplace, uncomfortable chairs, poor lighting, lack of free space. All this interferes with productive work. And this is exactly the case when feng shui can help.

Does feng shui work

There is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of feng shui, but some studies are consistent with the principles of this Chinese practice. For example, psychologists have long known that the presence of living plants in the workplace and an abundance of sunlight have a positive effect on the mental and physical condition of a person. And as soon as a person puts things in order at the workplace, it increases his efficiency.

Isn't this the result of the very positive energy that feng shui practitioners tell us about?

Want to know my opinion? Feng Shui is not magic, it is a practice based on psychological principles. They are simply presented in a manner somewhat unusual for our culture.

If you work from nine to six (spend most of the day in the office) and the environment makes you uncomfortable, why not try applying the principles of feng shui in your workplace? Perhaps a simple rearrangement of things will give you more positive emotions and satisfaction from the work process.

How to organize a workplace according to the principles of feng shui

How to Spread Things on Your Desktop to Attract Success: The Bagua Map
How to Spread Things on Your Desktop to Attract Success: The Bagua Map

One of the basic tools of any feng shui practitioner is the Bagua map. It is a nine-part grid depicting different areas of space (home, office, desk) and shows how these areas of space fit into different areas of life.

To direct the flow of positive energy to your workplace, simply follow the instructions below.

Orientation of the desktop

If possible, position your desk directly opposite the office door. If you do not have a personal account, try to place the table facing the entrance.

If your boss doesn't approve of the rearrangement, you can go the other way and place a small mirror on your desk so that it reflects the entrance to the office.

It is believed that this arrangement of things will allow you to not miss out on opportunities, such as career advancement.

How to arrange things on the desktop

This is perhaps the funniest part of this article.

How to arrange things on your desktop to attract success: the look of the perfect desk
How to arrange things on your desktop to attract success: the look of the perfect desk

Divide your table into nine equal parts mentally. Pick a few of the most important areas in your life that you want to improve and follow the tips below.

Each section in the grid is associated with a specific color (see the Bagua map). We will talk about the arrangement of things on the table, and if you find items that match the colors of the selected area, then it is better to use them.

Remember, it's important not to overdo it. A lot of things clutter up the workspace and interfere with the creative process. Make sure that 50% of the working surface of the table is always free.

My advice to you: do not try to equip all nine sections at once. First select 2-3 areas of life in which you want to put things in order, and deal with them first.

1. Wealth and prosperity

The far left corner of the desktop represents well-being. Arrange this space to attract money and wealth. This corner is a great place for a plant or some expensive and valuable thing, a crystal vase for example. It is also a good place for a computer.

2. Fame and reputation

Want to be in the spotlight more often? On the Bagua map, the glory section is in the center, closer to the far edge. Try to place your business cards, advertising brochures or just a sign with a name and position there. By the way, this is a great place for things that charge you with motivation (diplomas, awards, and so on).

3. Love and relationships

Love and relationships represent the far right corner of the table. If you don't have a pair yet, place a fresh cut flower there. It is believed that this will endow you with good luck on the love front. If you already have a significant other, place your joint photo in this corner.

4. Family

Perhaps a family photo on the table is a familiar feng shui principle. Only few people know that this photo is recommended to be placed in the middle of the left side of the table. A wooden frame around the photo encourages energy movement in this area.

5. Health

The middle of the desktop is responsible for health. Try to keep this part of your work area clean and tidy.

6. Creativity and creativity

Want to boost your creativity? Place something that inspires you in the center of the right side of the table. If you want to become a writer, put your book down. If you want to be an artist - put a photo of a painting masterpiece. In fact, it could be anything, just be creative.

7. Knowledge and wisdom

Is it difficult for you to remember new information? Want to be smart beyond your years? Deal with the arrangement of the front left corner. Place a reference book or some clever book here. Or maybe even a photo of Albert Einstein.

8. Career

Directly in front of you (front and center) is the place of your career. Do not create a mess here, it is better to place motivating quotes, slogans or affirmations.

9. Helpful people and travel

If you need help from other people, look at the front right corner of the table. This is the most suitable place to place a phone and a notebook with numbers (I wonder if this is still used?). This sector is also responsible for travel. For this reason, a guidebook or a photo with a dream resort is the place here.


Feng Shui is not magic that will solve all your problems. Rather, it is a visual reminder of what areas of your life you are currently working on. The Chinese say that feng shui is a way of thinking or a way of creating balance in life, not magic.

In general, start with the rules outlined above to add positivity and balance to your life.
