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How to recognize hidden depression in your loved ones
How to recognize hidden depression in your loved ones

Many people get used to dealing with their inner demons in such a way that those around them do not notice anything. And we may not even realize that our loved ones suffer from depression. Lexi Herrick, blogger and marketer, described the common habits of those suffering from latent depression. Lifehacker publishes a translation of her article.

How to recognize hidden depression in your loved ones
How to recognize hidden depression in your loved ones

1. They put on a cheerfulness

Depression is not only a bad mood, as is commonly believed. People living with depression make a conscious effort on themselves and do not show their feelings. No one wants to upset others, so many constantly hide their feelings and problems.

2. They develop many good habits

Depression is treated with quite serious methods with the help of psychotherapy and medications. However, in addition to this, there are healthy habits that help people with depression regulate their mental state. These include music, sports, walking, and any other activity that keeps you from falling into despair.

3. They are afraid to be alone

Everyone who has ever faced depression understands how hard it is not only for the person himself, but also for his loved ones. Sometimes a friend or partner may become distant because they are not ready to provide support. Naturally, many are afraid of this and do not share their problems.

4. They are adept at making excuses

People with depression face many difficulties that sometimes disrupt the normal course of life. They often have to find excuses and excuses to distract others from their pain and hide the symptoms of depression.

5. They have trouble sleeping and eating

It would seem that these are minor factors, but in fact, they may well signal depression. For example, persistent sleep problems (too long sleep or, conversely, insomnia), lack of appetite, or increased appetite may indicate mental problems.

6. They watch for anything that can affect their mood

People who are forced to live with depression try to control everything that enters their body. They know that alcohol is a depressant and drinking in large quantities can cause them a condition that is more difficult for them to cope with than the average person. They know how different medicines work and what should not be taken together. And all because they have to think much more about their mental state than others.

7. They have a different attitude towards life and death

Not all people with depression think about suicide. However, being depressed can significantly change attitudes towards life. We often become aware of our mortality in moments of despair, so during depression such thoughts arise more often.

8. They are talented and expressive

Many talented artists, musicians and just creative people suffered from depression or other psychological problems. Latent depression can lead to the fact that people seek to somehow express themselves in creativity.

9. They are looking for the meaning of life

Everyone needs a purpose. We want to know that our actions make sense, that we are moving in the right direction. People with depression strive for the same, but for them it is even more important. Therefore, they can often change the type of activity or spend a lot of energy in pursuit of happiness.

10. Sometimes they ask for help

Even those who have learned to live with depression may need help. There are times when it is simply not safe for people to be alone with their thoughts. Sometimes they themselves ask for help. These moments are especially important because they help build trust and intimacy, which may not appear at all if a person constantly seeks to hide their true feelings and experiences.

11. They need love and understanding, like everyone else

Likewise, those who suffer from latent depression feel the need for love and understanding. And they hide their depression not because they want to cheat, but for the sake of protection. To protect yourself and your loved ones, to protect your dreams and hopes.
