Table of contents:

Why kids are bored at school and what to do about it
Why kids are bored at school and what to do about it

Children today are emotionally unprepared for learning. And many factors contribute to this.

Why kids are bored at school and what to do about it
Why kids are bored at school and what to do about it

1. They are influenced by technology

Many parents use technology as a free babysitter. But you still have to pay: the nervous system and the attention of the child.

Compared to virtual reality, our ordinary reality seems boring. The brain gets used to a lot of visual stimuli. After bright graphics and special effects, it is very difficult to process boring information in the lesson. As a result, children are not adapted to learning.

Plus, technology is tearing us apart emotionally. And for the development of the child, the emotional availability of the parents is extremely important.

What to do

Re-establish an emotional connection with your children:

  • Surprise them with something nice. Laugh or tickle. Leave a note with warm words in your backpack or under your pillow. Dance or play together, fight pillows.
  • Enter family traditions: joint dinners, evenings with board games, cycling, evening walks with a flashlight.

2. They are used to getting what they want immediately

How often can you hear such conversations: "I want to eat!" - "Now let's go to the store", "I want to drink!" - "Here's some juice", "I'm bored!" - "Take my phone."

The ability to postpone reward is one of the most important factors in achieving success. It helps you not to give up in times of stress. Parents often forget about this, because they want to make their child happy right now. But this will only hurt in the future. Children will not be ready for difficulties.

What to do

Teach your child to wait:

  • Explain that it's okay to be bored. This is the first step towards creative thinking.
  • Gradually increase the waiting time between desire and its satisfaction.
  • Do not give your child a phone or tablet in the car, queues and cafes. Train yourself to spend this time talking or playing.
  • Limit snacking.

3. They feel in charge

“My son doesn't like vegetables”, “She doesn't like going to bed early”, “They don't like to dress on their own” - you often hear such phrases from parents. It turns out that the children indicate how to educate them. But this approach is harmful. Children are ready to eat nothing but pasta and sweets, watch TV all day, play games and never go to bed. If you indulge all their desires, nothing good will come of it.

They learn that they can do whatever they want and not do what they don't want to. They don't understand the word "need." But in order to achieve the goals, you have to make an effort. If you want to be an excellent student, you need to study hard. If you want to be a successful footballer, you need to train every day.

What to do

Set boundaries:

  • Set aside time to use electronic devices, sleep, and eat.
  • Think about what is good for your child, not just what he wants.
  • Turn activities the kids don't like into play.

4. They are accustomed to constant entertainment

Parents try to occupy every minute of their child's life with something fun and interesting. Otherwise, it seems to them that they are not fulfilling their duties.

But life is not only about entertainment. Monotonous actions teach us to work even when we are bored. The same skill is needed for teaching at school.

What to do

Teach your child to do monotonous work from early childhood:

  • Teach you how to clean up your toys, hang clothes in place, take groceries out of your bag, set the table, make your bed.
  • Turn these tasks into a game so that they evoke positive associations in the child.

5. They have poor social skills

Children used to play outside. In communicating with each other, they developed social skills. Now they spend more and more time at the computer and telephone. Parents themselves are also more likely to choose electronic devices instead of playing games or talking with children. But a smartphone will not teach your child to communicate.

What to do

Develop social skills:

Teach children to share, lose and win, make concessions, give compliments, say "thank you" and "please."

The brain is like a muscle that can be developed and trained. To ride a bike, you need to learn it. For a child to be able to wait, you need to teach him patience. So it is with any other skill.
