Table of contents:

Harassment: what it is, where it comes from and how to behave the victim
Harassment: what it is, where it comes from and how to behave the victim

In the light of a series of high-profile sex scandals, Lifehacker decided to figure out what is considered sexual harassment, why not all compliments are pleasant and what circumstances increase the risk of harassment.

Harassment: what it is, where it comes from and how to behave the victim
Harassment: what it is, where it comes from and how to behave the victim

What is harassment?

In Russia, the concept of sexual harassment is not legally fixed, so there are problems with its interpretation. This is unwanted attention of a sexual nature that embarrasses the victim. These are not only attempts to rape, but also dubious jokes, gestures, sounds that can offend and humiliate.

In the legal field, the term "harassment" is applied to relations in which there is a hierarchy: a person shows inappropriate attention to a person who is dependent on him. We are talking about hints of sex for a promotion from a boss to a subordinate, the promise of a good grade from a teacher to a student, and similar situations.

The victim is placed in deliberately unfavorable conditions: either she agrees to the demands of the aggressor, or falls under "sanctions".

It's not just Hollywood stars that face harassment, as in the story of Harvey Weinstein. Doubtful situations can arise in any company with a hierarchy. The victims are both sexes, although women are more likely to be sexually harassed. According to Catalyst, an international women's rights organization, only 17.5% of harassment complaints come from men. True, in 80% of cases men are also the aggressors.

How is sexual harassment different from ordinary rudeness?

Whistling and obscene sounds after a girl you like, pinches in public transport, vulgar jokes and other dubious tackles are offensive and unpleasant. But society condemns them, not specially trained people in robes. Such sexual attention is not a violation of the law, but simply a sign of bad upbringing of the aggressor.

Sexual harassment in the legal sense includes the same dubious hints, tweaks, direct talk about sex or reward for intercourse - any unacceptable action if it is addressed to a person dependent on the aggressor.

That is, if someone whistles meaningfully after an attractive woman on the street, then he is just a boor. If he makes these dubious sounds against his subordinate, we are definitely talking about harassment (but the aggressor does not cease to be a boor from this).

What Causes Sexual Harassment?

Sex is often not the only target of the aggressor. A higher position gives him the opportunity to control another person with impunity, to find out how quickly the victim breaks down. The attacker revels in a sense of his own superiority. Therefore, harassment cases are rarely sex-only stories.

Is sexual harassment prosecuted?

In Russia, this area is regulated by article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Compulsion to acts of a sexual nature." Responsibility is provided for inducement to sexual intercourse or other actions of a sexual nature by means of blackmail, threat of destruction, damage or seizure of property, or using the material or other dependence of the victim.

Penalties include a fine, forced or compulsory labor.

For similar actions against a minor, forced labor and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions are provided.

In reality, cases under Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are rarely considered. According to the Agency for Legal Information, in 2015, only seven people were convicted of harassment against adults. Even in the absence of official statistics in this area, it is difficult to believe that only seven bosses in the country have shown inappropriate attention to their subordinates.

What conditions are conducive to sexual harassment?

Psychologist Ellen Hendriksen highlighted conditions that encourage harassment:

  • "Dark triad";
  • alienation of moral responsibility;
  • work in areas traditionally assigned to men;
  • militant sexism.

What is meant by the "dark triad"?

Hendriksen notes three personality traits that free the hands of harassment: narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism.

Narcissism is excessive narcissism and high self-esteem, combined with a lack of empathy. Narcissists don't care if others like them, but they need them to shine against their background. Such people justify sexual harassment by claiming that they deserve the sexual experience. Narcissists simply cannot come to terms with the fact that someone refuses to connect with them.

For psychopaths, the world revolves around fearless domination and aggressive impulsivity. They are ready to imitate any feelings in order to exploit victims. They covet, simply because they can, no other reason is required.

Machiavellianism is a government policy built on the cult of brute force. In isolation from legal terms, it means trying to control others through available levers.

Taken together, these three properties form a dangerous cocktail of manipulation, deception and exploitation, combined with a disregard for the feelings of others.

What gives the aggressor the alienation of moral responsibility?

It happens that people create their own version of reality, where traditional moral principles are not applied to them and their actions are easy to justify. First, they model conditions in which persecution can be considered acceptable.

For example, Harvey Weinstein attributed harassment to actresses by "growing up in the 60s and 70s, when the rules of conduct in the workplace were different."

Secondly, the aggressor substitutes for concepts. Actor Bill Cosby, who was accused of raping more than 60 women, called his meetings with the victims dating. Although the victims stated that he gave them pills to drink.

Third, the offender shifts responsibility from himself to external circumstances. As an illustration - the same case with Weinstein, who declared the pressure on him by the culture of that time.

Fourth, the perpetrator minimizes the harm done to the victim, dehumanizes and blames the victim. For example, TV presenter Bill O'Reilly, fired from Fox News for sexual harassment, once said of a woman raped and murdered in New York that she was her own fault. The victim was wearing a miniskirt and a top, so "every predator would take advantage of it."

All of these excuses allow the aggressor to sleep peacefully at night.

Why is the male team dangerous?

It has been found that sexual harassment is more common in industries where men are predominantly employed. We are talking about the army, the police, surgical departments of hospitals, financial organizations, high-tech companies.

What does militant sexism have to do with it?

In the 1980s, researchers believed that those accused of sexual harassment had no idea that they were committing illegal acts and thereby offending their victims.

In 2012, scientists from Germany were able to establish that harassment can be caused by various reasons. One of them is the desire for quick sex. The second is mixed with aggressive sexism. In this case, the aggressor is not only tuned in to a quick love adventure, but also tries to dominate and control. And he will oppress his victim on both fronts.

What should a victim of harassment do?

It is not worth letting things go by themselves: the aggressor will become more and more active with each meeting, probing the boundaries.

First, express to the bailiff succinctly and clearly that his behavior is unacceptable. Perhaps he really considers his actions to be a manifestation of interest and a kind of compliment, and after a serious conversation, he will reconsider his behavior.

Second, record incidents of harassment. Record greasy hints on the recorder, fix harassment in other ways. Even if the police do not take this evidence seriously, it could be a blow to the aggressor's reputation.

Thirdly, go to the management, to the trade union - somewhere where there is leverage over the molestation.

Fourth, be prepared to quit. The problem of harassment in local conditions is extremely difficult to solve. Fundamental changes in culture of behavior and ethics are required. There is a risk that everyone you turn to for help will answer: "What is it?" Therefore, the option of finding a new job should not be ruled out.
