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How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one
How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one

10 features to look out for if you want a delicious and aromatic drink.

How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one
How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one

I confess, I'm a terrible coffee lover and can't imagine a morning without a cup of this drink. Unfortunately, in my city there are not many coffee shops where they brew really delicious coffee.

An acquaintance of a barista from PTICHKA coffee told how real coffee should be and what distinguishes a good coffee shop from a bad one.

1. Freshly roasted grain

Ask the barista about the roasting date. The rich taste and unrivaled aroma lasts for a month after roasting, after which they become flat and dull.

2. Barista must know the type of grain

The barista should know what kind of grain he cooks, what country the berries are from, how they were processed, a mixture or a single variety, and finally who roasted the grain. So you can choose the right recipe and brew a delicious drink.

3. Clean workplace

How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one
How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one

Pay attention to the barista's work area and equipment. The coffee machine must be clean, the horn is inserted into the coffee machine group and not on the drip tray with coffee residues inside. Each time, the barista should wipe it dry before grinding the coffee.

If the workplace is messy and the barista is sloppy, don't expect well-made coffee.

4. Coffee must be ground before preparation

How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one
How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one

If freshly roasted coffee loses its taste and aroma within a few weeks, then freshly ground coffee - in seconds. The coffee should be ground just before preparation, and not put in the morning leftovers from the grinder.

5. You are not forced into sweeteners and additives

If you are being urged to add syrup, cinnamon, or other sweeteners and spices to your coffee, think about it. Perhaps the barista wants to hide some disadvantages of the drink behind these additives.

6. Beautiful foam and latte art

How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one
How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one

There are certain modern requirements for how a milk drink should look like. The foam should be glossy and elastic, not lumpy like shaving foam. It is advisable to have latte art on the surface. He does not guarantee that the coffee is tasty, but he speaks of the care of the barista during preparation.

The main thing is that the latte art contrasts with the coffee. This means that the espresso and milk are well mixed, and the drink has a creamy texture and a smooth, smooth taste.

7. Coffee should not be very hot

How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one
How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one

The coffee should not be hot enough to burn the palate and tongue. This is especially important when preparing espresso and milk drinks.

In the case of espresso, too high a water temperature in the machine can burn the coffee and boil off excess bitterness. If you overheat the milk while whipping, lactose will begin to actively break down and the natural sweetness of the milk will disappear.

Such milk may even have a boiled flavor, sadly familiar from childhood.

8. Subtleties of making espresso

Pay attention to whether the barista empties water from the coffee machine before inserting the cone and brewing coffee.

A knowledgeable barista should do this on the machine in order to drain off excess stagnant and very hot water, which will surely burn the coffee, as well as to rinse the coffee machine from coffee residues after a previous preparation.

9. Correct amount of espresso

How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one
How to tell a good coffee shop from a bad one

The amount of espresso can be different, it depends on the amount of coffee and water that is used for preparation. The volume of a double espresso varies between 60-70 ml.

If you ordered a double espresso and received a 150 ml drink, you shouldn't drink it. You will find nothing but bitter oils in it.

10. Water is poured into the Americano not from the tap of the coffee machine

Americano is an espresso mixed with hot water. You can often see a barista pouring water from the tap of a coffee machine into an Americano cup. So, in almost all coffee machines this tap is technical, that is, you cannot drink water from there, since it is supplied directly from the boiler, where it boils repeatedly throughout the day.

Be attentive and drink delicious coffee.
