Table of contents:

5 stages of love that the strongest couples go through to the end
5 stages of love that the strongest couples go through to the end

Conflict and frustration are not always a reason to break up.

5 stages of love that the strongest couples go through to the end
5 stages of love that the strongest couples go through to the end

More and more people end relationships as soon as they stop bringing joy. It seems to us that since something has gone wrong, then we must quickly tie it up. This often happens because we idealize romantic relationships: modern society and culture make us think that there are no problems with “true” love.

This delusion can be costly, because you have to pay with your own happiness. Relationships can often be saved if you understand in time that you are just going through a difficult stage. Do not forget that in life there is a place for routine, everyday difficulties, alienation, disappointment and a lot of other things. And that despite them, you can love each other.

1. Falling in love

5 stages of love that the strongest couples go through to the end
5 stages of love that the strongest couples go through to the end

When they talk about falling in love, they mean chemistry, that is, the mutual attraction that arises between two people. She bursts into life unexpectedly and appears as if by itself. It cannot be prevented or silenced by force. This is not a conscious choice, but a manifestation of instinct.

When you are in love, you feel that someone needs you, you see that you are appreciated and admired.

You are ready to devote all your time and energy to your partner, he becomes for you the best person on earth. You dismiss the advice of others, believing that you know better who is right for you. Gradually, these sensations fade away, and for some, returning to reality is painful.

2. Formation of a couple

You begin to feel a strong bond with your partner and feel like a couple. You are comfortable and calm together, you are confident in each other, even if there are no such mind-blowing emotions as before. You grow and develop together and begin to understand what the person next to you really needs.

It is at this stage that many people decide to start living together, get married or have a child. You know that your union is based on shared values and mutual respect. The partner becomes a full-fledged part of your life, and you understand that you are one whole.

3. Disappointment and alienation

5 stages of love that the strongest couples go through to the end
5 stages of love that the strongest couples go through to the end

It was during this period that the largest number of partings and divorces occurred.

The frustration stage is a bit like a hangover. You are sad and painful that the party is over, and its consequences are unpleasant.

Feelings vanished, hopes for a bright future collapsed. It seems that things are going wrong in your relationship for some inexplicable reason. You wonder where the person you were in love with has gone.

The fact is that during the period of falling in love, we consider our partner as if under a magnifying glass. His jokes seem doubly funny, natural sarcasm is perceived as proof of a sharp mind, and everything connected with him is ideal. When the stage of disappointment comes, we see a different picture: jokes seem primitive, sarcasm turns into arrogance, and any comments out loud begin to annoy.

Naturally, you wonder if you made the right choice. Don't panic: you are not alone with this problem. It is difficult to get through this stage, but if you succeed, it will only get better.

4. Working on love

It is important to understand that you can continue to love even when you stop looking at your partner through rose-colored glasses. You will save the day if you change your way of thinking. Work on the relationship, and you will receive a reward: your feelings will grow more mature and stronger.

Recognize that the person next to you cannot and should not be perfect.

Remember that relationships are work, so be patient and focus on keeping your union together. We all have disadvantages, problems, complexes, but each of us also has something beautiful. You have to fall in love not with the merits, but with the demerits of your partner. Think of them as the reverse and integral side of the qualities for which you fell in love with this person.

5. Love that can change the world

5 stages of love that the strongest couples go through to the end
5 stages of love that the strongest couples go through to the end

In the last stage, a whole new level of mutual respect and acceptance emerges. You are not hiding anything, you know each other's strengths and weaknesses, and you love your partner as he is.

Our life is a difficult thing, which has difficult times. It is possible to cope with all the problems alone, but it is difficult. When you build true love and go through the inevitable difficulties, your partner becomes your main soul mate and strong ally.

That kind of love really changes everything. It allows you to forget old grievances, gives self-confidence and helps to feel your own importance and the significance of the person next to you. Remember, love is a choice. And this choice is in your hands.
