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16 misconceptions about the 2019-nCoV coronavirus that could cost you your life
16 misconceptions about the 2019-nCoV coronavirus that could cost you your life

Lifehacker analyzed all available information about the most famous virus of the century.

16 misconceptions about coronavirus that could cost you nerves and even your life
16 misconceptions about coronavirus that could cost you nerves and even your life

First, let's understand the terms. The SARS ‑ CoV ‑ 2 virus name is composed of three parts.

  • SARS - encodes the meaning of the disease. This abbreviation stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS in Cyrillic).
  • CoV stands for the causative agent of the disease - a virus from the coronavirus family (CoronaVirus).
  • Number 2 suggests that this is the second known coronavirus that can cause severe acute respiratory syndrome. The first was the SARS-CoV pathogen that attacked the world in November 2002. Tellingly, he also came from China.

The disease caused by the second dangerous coronavirus is called Naming the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the virus that causes it COVID-2019.

Here is a list of myths about how the virus spreads and what to do to avoid infection.

1. Coronavirus has a low mortality rate

In early 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic was just beginning, experts reported Coronavirus outbreak: WHO expert says countries must shift mindset to virus preparedness | FULL that the preliminary death rate from COVID-19 is approximately 3.4%.

By the fall, the situation got confused. It turned out that in different countries the mortality rate differs dramatically Estimating Mortality From COVID-19 - from less than 0.1% to more than 25%. Scientists attribute this to a different methodology for assessing the number of cases. Somewhere more tests are carried out and, as a result, more patients are detected, including those who are asymptomatic. Against this massive background of infected, the number of deaths does not look so high. In other countries, on the contrary, only those who have turned to doctors for help are checked - that is, people in whom COVID-2019 has already taken a serious form. Naturally, mortality among seriously ill patients is higher than among asymptomatic ones.

How the death rate from coronavirus is roughly distributed can be seen in the MORTALITY ANALYSES chart compiled by experts from Johns Hopkins University of Medicine. If we try to find the arithmetic mean for all countries, then we will again come to the same figure that was announced at the beginning of the year - a mortality rate of about 3-4% of the total number of cases.

Whether it is a lot or a little is a moot point.

But it is unambiguously clear that this is at least an order of magnitude higher than the mortality rate from influenza, with which they like to compare COVID-19.

According to statistics from the Disease Burden of Influenza of the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average mortality rate for seasonal flu is no more than 0.13% in the most "flu" years. 3-4% is 30 times more.

However, the numbers may change. WHO does not tire of repeating that it will be possible to more or less accurately assess mortality only after the pandemic is over. In addition, a huge number of asymptomatic carriers of the virus, the number of which scientists can only speculate, will play a role. Mass testing of citizens, which would make it possible to accurately determine the percentage of those who had been ill, has not been carried out in any country in the world today.

2. Coronavirus is no more dangerous than flu

This conclusion is often made on the basis of the fact that many people have COVID-2019 proceeding like a common ARVI, and some do not tolerate it at all. But “for many” does not mean “for all”.

At the beginning of the year, WHO provided statistics on Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Situation Report - 46, according to which the number of patients in need of resuscitation reaches 20% of the total number of those infected. Moreover, 5% requires artificial ventilation of the lungs, and 15% - oxygen therapy (inhalation of air with an increased oxygen concentration) for a long time, at least several days.

A little later, it became clear who exactly COVID-19 is going through especially hard. The risk group includes COVID-19: Who's at higher risk of serious symptoms?:

  • People over 65. In the United States, 80% of deaths from coronavirus occur in this age group.
  • Those who have any lung problems - asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer.
  • Smokers and vapers.
  • Obese people.
  • Those with type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease, including hypertension.
  • People with chronic liver or kidney disease.
  • People with certain blood disorders, such as sickle cell disease or thalassemia.
  • Cancer patients.
  • Immunocompromised people. For example, those with HIV have recently undergone organ transplants or are taking immunosuppressive medications.

In addition, complications occur with coronavirus infection. It is known that COVID-19 pandemic more than a century after the Spanish flu, COVID-19 seriously affects various organs and tissues, including the immune system. And its consequences can last a lifetime.

3. Only elderly people with poor health become victims of coronavirus

They are indeed at increased risk. But in fact, COVID-19 is sick, including seriously, people of absolutely all ages, including children and young people.

According to the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly half of The Epidemiological Characteristics of an Outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-2019) - China, 2020 of those who have been diagnosed with COVID-2019 are less than 49 years old.

4. To get sick, it is enough to be in the same room with the infected

SARS ‑ CoV ‑ 2 refers to How COVID ‑ 19 Spreads Respiratory Viruses. This means that it is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets - that is, by inhaling droplets that are discharged from the patient's nose or mouth when sneezing and coughing.

Such an infection cannot be spread by air over long distances. This is due to the fact that the drops in which it is enclosed are rather heavy WHO recommendations for the population in connection with the spread of the new coronavirus (2019 ‑ nCoV): myths and misconceptions and quickly settle.

Therefore, you can only become infected by close contact - being at a distance of up to 2 m. How COVID-19 Spreads (according to some reports, Coronavirus can travel twice as far as official 'safe distance' and stay in air for 30 minutes, Chinese study finds - up to 4, 5 m) with the infected. It is relatively safe to fly in the same plane, ride in the same subway car, work in the same office or walk along the same street with a sick person. Unless you get close to it.

5. The virus cannot be transmitted through objects

You can become infected with the coronavirus if you touch the surface on which it has settled, and then scratch your lips, nose, eyes with the same unwashed hand - in general, launch the virus on the mucous membranes.

This mode of infection is more rare WHO recommendations for the population in connection with the spread of the new coronavirus (2019 ‑ nCoV): myths and misconceptions than airborne droplets. However, he also poses a danger.

But postal parcels, for example from AliExpress, are considered safe.

In short: most of the close "relatives" of SARS-CoV-2 known to science, once on surfaces (paper, metal, glass, plastic), die in a period from several hours to several days. In this regard, the Wuhan coronavirus differs little from them: its traces are fixed on objects for up to 3-4 days. Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces and their inactivation with biocidal agents. Parcels from AliExpress usually take much longer.

6. The virus spreads only through the air and through objects

There is a risk that SARS ‑ CoV ‑ 2 can also be transmitted through faeces, including through sewers. The possibility of such a pathway for the spread of coronavirus, scientists suggested Latest Study Suggests The New Coronavirus Is Also Spreading Via Feces after some patients showed not only respiratory, but also gastrointestinal symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea.

So you should be even more careful when touching door handles in public restrooms than on any other surface. And it is imperative to wash your hands after visiting the restrooms.

7. The new coronavirus can be carried by mosquitoes

The transmission routes of SARS ‑ CoV ‑ 2 are not yet sufficiently understood, and scientists have already made a mistake in the FAQ about them (when at the start of the whole story it was assumed that this type of coronavirus is not transmitted from person to person).

However, there is currently no evidence that insects can spread the infection.

8. Coronavirus can be transmitted from pets

There is no evidence of this either. However, WHO recommends the WHO recommendations for the population in connection with the spread of the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV): myths and misconceptions still wash your hands with warm water and soap after contact with animals. This should protect against bacteria such as E.coli and Salmonella.

9. If you breathe cold air, you can recover

According to the WHO Public Guidelines for the Spread of the New Coronavirus (2019 ‑ nCoV): Myths and Misconceptions WHO, inhaling cold air will not help. It is just as pointless to fight the virus by taking hot baths.

The body temperature of a healthy person is kept within 36, 5–37 ° С regardless of the ambient temperature. This is enough for the virus to continue multiplying in the body.

10. Garlic May Boost Immunity And Protect Against Coronavirus

According to some reports, garlic actually improves immunity and reduces the risk of getting sick with ARVI Preventing the common cold with a garlic supplement: a double-blind, placebo-controlled survey. However, there is currently no scientific evidence that the vegetable protects against COVID-2019. WHO Recommendations for the Population in connection with the spread of the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV): myths and misconceptions.

11. Quartzization and spraying liquids with alcohol and chlorine destroys the virus

Controversial WHO recommendations for the public in connection with the spread of the new coronavirus (2019 ‑ nCoV): myths and misconceptions. In some cases, such measures will not only not help, but also harm. For example, UV sterilization of hands can cause erythema (irritation) of the skin. Spraying alcohol and chlorine-containing liquids can harm your clothing and respiratory system.

However, alcohol and bleach can be effective surface disinfectants: they can be used to wipe door handles, dishes, and common items. Observing, of course, safety rules.

12. In order not to get sick, you need to rinse your nose

There is currently no scientific evidence that regular rinsing of the nose with saline solution protects against SARS ‑ CoV ‑ 2. WHO Community Guidelines for the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus (2019 ‑ nCoV): Myths and Misconceptions. Although performing this procedure to prevent common SARS is a good idea.

13. To protect yourself from coronavirus, you need to take antiviral drugs

It is far from the fact that they will help. There are no drugs for the prevention and treatment of COVID-2019 yet.

14. The pneumonia vaccine can protect against the complications of coronavirus

At first glance, the idea of using drugs against pneumonia seems to be a good one, because SARS ‑ CoV ‑ 2 attacks the lungs. Nonetheless, WHO authoritatively states the WHO Community Guidelines for the Spread of the New Coronavirus (2019 ‑ nCoV): Myths and Misconceptions: Vaccinations against pneumonia, such as pneumococcal vaccine or Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (Hib vaccine), cannot prevent complications of the disease with the new coronavirus.

SARS ‑ CoV ‑ 2 is fundamentally different from known infections and requires a special vaccine.

However, doctors recommend that First and Second Waves of Coronavirus be vaccinated against seasonal infections whenever possible. This will protect your body from the simultaneous illness and COVID-19, and, for example, the flu.

15. In order not to get sick, it is enough to wear a medical mask

The mask is only an aid. It will be ineffective if other rules are not followed.

Here's what to do to truly reduce Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Prevention & Treatment is the risk of infection and does not allow the infection to spread further.

  • Avoid contact with sick people - those who cough, sneeze, have a fever.
  • If you yourself are sick, even if we are talking about a common cold, stay at home.
  • If you sneeze or cough, try to cover your mouth with a tissue or at least your elbow. This is important to reduce the risk of airborne infection spreading. Throw the used tissue into the trash can.
  • Wean yourself from the habit of reaching your mouth, nose, and eyes with your hands.
  • Wash your hands often with warm water and soap. Spend at least 15-20 seconds on this activity.
  • Carry a disinfectant with at least 60% alcohol. Use it to wash your hands when soap and water are not available.
  • Regularly clean objects and surfaces that many people touch: doorknobs, keyboards, landline telephone handsets, and so on. Use common household cleaners, including those based on alcohol or bleach, or alcohol wipes, to disinfect.

16. Coronavirus can be recognized by yourself

It is forbidden. COVID-19 disease has no specific symptoms to distinguish it from the common cold or flu.

The ability to hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without feeling discomfort does not mean the absence of COVID-19 or other lung disease, recalls the WHO Recommendations for the Population in connection with the spread of the new coronavirus (2019 ‑ nCoV): WHO myths and misconceptions.

Respiratory diseases manifest themselves in the same way: fever, malaise, headache, cough, shortness of breath. Usually, with such symptoms, you need to contact a therapist at your place of residence - that is, to the clinic.

This material was first published in February 2020. We updated the text in September.


Coronavirus. Number of infected:

243 050 862

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8 131 164

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