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How to Boost Your Teen's Self-Esteem: 5 Tips for Parents
How to Boost Your Teen's Self-Esteem: 5 Tips for Parents

Help yesterday's child to accept his body, find himself and not lose emotional connection with his parents.

How to Boost Your Teen's Self-Esteem: 5 Tips for Parents
How to Boost Your Teen's Self-Esteem: 5 Tips for Parents

Adolescents with adequate self-esteem are able to take responsibility for their actions, calmly endure failures, strive to become as good as possible. They are confident in themselves, do not humiliate the weak, do not be rude to others.

Only adults can help teens develop their self-esteem. Here are some tips on how to do it.

1. Do not compare with others

A teenager who is constantly compared to the more successful, flexible and beautiful, does not know how to value himself. Instead of looking for and developing his strengths, he fixates on the smallest mistakes. As a result, the child may lose motivation to do anything at all. After all, those around him, according to his parents, always turn out to be better than him.

Adults should learn to notice something good in their children and say it. All children are different: some get A's in mathematics, others dance excellently. It is very important for a teenager to discern and accept his own personality, whatever it may be.

2. Praise your achievements

The teenager needs to be praised when he has really worked on himself. Empty praise only devalues real effort. Reasons for pride can be both tangible and intangible. You can praise both for the A at school, and for the fact that the child gave up a place to someone in the transport.

If the teenager does not know how to reveal his abilities, offer him something to do: music, dance, handicrafts, volunteering, home help, science courses. Maybe not right away, but he will find where to prove himself. After the first success, the child will understand what he is capable of, and his self-esteem will rise.


Oleg Ivanov psychologist, conflictologist, head of the Center for Settlement of Social Conflicts

A teenager needs to feel your support and understanding in order to overcome inner fears.

3. Respect his opinion and taste

Never criticize your child's taste. Even if it seems to you that he dressed up is not clear how, and from the music he plays, his head is splitting. The child needs to feel support and sincere interest in you, he does not need your value judgments. Let him find himself, learn to choose and defend his own opinion. Take an interest in what he is listening and watching. Otherwise, you run the risk of being branded as a bore and losing touch with him.


Valentina Paevskaya children's neuropsychologist, blogger

Ask your child to download new music to your smartphone, attend quests and concerts of his favorite bands, watch movies. This will help you maintain an emotional connection and understand what your teen is concerned about right now.

4. Engage your teenager in sports

During adolescence, the body changes a lot. Many children gain weight, become clumsy, slouch, and have acne. At the same time, it is difficult to remain satisfied with your appearance. In addition, adolescents spend most of their time sitting: either at a desk or at a computer. Energy is not channeled in the right direction, and children, not knowing what to do with it, become aggressive or moody.

To put self-esteem and feelings in order, a teenager should exercise regularly. This not only strengthens the body and increases endurance, but also relieves stress, helps to gain self-confidence.

Teens most often want to engage in extreme sports such as snowboarding, skateboarding, street dancing. By doing new tricks, the teenager, as it were, proves to himself that his body is listening.

Valentina Paevskaya children's neuropsychologist, blogger

5. Deal with yourself

Analyze the atmosphere in the house: how family members relate to each other, what they say, how they behave in conflict situations. In order for a teenager to develop an adequate self-esteem, it must first of all be present in the parents themselves. Begin any parenting with yourself.
