Table of contents:

16 qualities that help shape critical thinking
16 qualities that help shape critical thinking

Cultivate these sides in yourself to reach your full potential and see the world in a new way.

16 qualities that help shape critical thinking
16 qualities that help shape critical thinking

1. Observation

This is one of the very first skills learned in childhood. It includes the ability to notice details and collect data using the senses. As a result, our observations lead to the formation of our own opinions and a deeper understanding of reality.

2. Curiosity

Interest in the world and the people around them is a trait of many leaders with developed critical thinking. With age, we stop following our innate curiosity, but it is this curiosity that helps us to be open to everything new and encourages us to deepen our knowledge. To develop it, don't take everything for granted, but constantly wonder why things work the way they do.

3. Objectivity

It is impossible to be 100% objective because we are heavily influenced by our worldview and past experience. Nevertheless, always try to as impartially look at the situation as possible, analyze it. Concentrate on facts and scientific judgment of the available information. Try to keep the emotions of others and your feelings from influencing the reasoning.

4. Introspection

These are reflections on the structure of your thought processes. Self-examination gives an idea of your possible misconceptions, as well as how attentive you are. It helps to explore your innermost thoughts, feelings and sensations.

5. Analytical thinking

The ability to analyze information is important in any matter: when signing a contract, drawing up a report or a business plan, even in building relationships with people. To do this, you need to break down the information into its component parts and evaluate how they function together and separately. Analysis should be based on observation, collection and assessment of evidence. Only then can you draw an objective conclusion.

6. Ability to identify misconceptions

Look for evidence of your beliefs and check if the sources of your knowledge are trustworthy. This will help reveal misconceptions that often go unnoticed and distort our perception.

When evaluating some information, think about who can benefit from it. Is there a hidden benefit to the source from it? Are the facts contradicting this information being hushed up?

7. Ability to determine the significance of information

One of the main difficulties is understanding what information is especially relevant and meaningful in a particular situation. All the incoming data seems valuable at first, but this is not always confirmed. Consider whether the source of the information is relevant, unbiased, or distracting from a more important point of view.

8. Ability to make assumptions based on facts

We do not always receive information explaining what it means. You need to evaluate it and draw your own conclusions based on the raw data. In this case, it is necessary to take into account possible scenarios for the development of events.

But don't confuse the ability to make assumptions based on facts with simple guesses. For example, if you read that someone weighs 118 kilograms, you might think that that person is overweight and in poor health. Although in order to draw a conclusion, you need to know its height and constitution.

9. Empathy

Compassion may seem like an overkill for critical thinking, because sentimentality and emotionality distort our perception. But without empathy, we look at everything only in terms of dry data and facts. This view quickly spreads to all areas, and we begin to doubt everything.

To think effectively critically, you need to consider the human factor. Remember that in the situations you face, it's not just data that matters, but people as well.

10. Lack of arrogance

Admit your mistakes and don't overestimate your merits. Knowing your own weaknesses and strengths is an important element of critical thinking. So do not reject other people's opinions without reflection. Try to notice when you are wrong, and be prepared to change your views if necessary.

11. Willingness to challenge the status quo

Don't settle for using traditional methods just because you followed them before. Look for reasonable answers and ways that take into account all the available information. This willingness to disrupt the status quo may seem provocative, but it is at the heart of innovative approaches.

12. Openness to everything new

Don't jump to conclusions. Approach every situation with an open mind and accept other people's views and opinions. Don't take sides until you know all the points of view. This will help to holistically assess the situation.

13. Awareness of the typical mistakes of thinking

Don't be confused by delusions and illusions. Explore common cognitive errors that often creep into reasoning and controversy. Here are some examples:

  • An explanation in which the premise or inference of an argument is used to support the argument itself.
  • The easy way fallacy is when you stubbornly stick to your preferred view, even if there are more likely explanations.
  • Confusion over causation and relationships between phenomena. If two events happen at the same time, it seems that one caused the other.

14. Get creative

Typically, creativity is associated with generating ideas, and critical thinking with analyzing and evaluating them. But a creative approach will help to take a non-standard approach to solving any problems.

Don't cling to templates. Develop new interests so you can look at things from different perspectives. Experiment and put yourself in someone else's place.

15. Ability to communicate effectively

Communication problems often arise from the inability to assess the situation or look at the case from the other side. This is what critical thinking is for. It helps you correctly build your own judgments and express them, as well as follow the course of the interlocutor's thoughts.

16. Ability to listen

It is important not only to convey your opinion to others, but also to be able to listen to someone else's. Participate actively in the conversation, not passively listen to the person. Ask questions to clearly separate facts from your assumptions. Try to get more information and understand the interlocutor by delving into the topic of the conversation and clarifying what is not clear.
