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How to make a printer network
How to make a printer network

Print documents and photos without the hassle of using flash drives.

How to make a printer network
How to make a printer network

Many modern printers are equipped with the ability to connect to a network via Wi-Fi - they print files from remote computers without unnecessary problems. But any ordinary printer can do the same, no bells and whistles. Your household will not have to run to you with external media - just click on the "Print" button.

The most versatile way to share your printer is to share it over your local network. This can be done on all operating systems - Windows, macOS and Linux. We will tell you what is required for this.

Establishing a connection between computers

First of all, you must make sure that your devices are connected to a local network. For details, see our guide on connecting your computer to your computer.

Basically, you don't have to bother with the settings too much. It is enough to connect all devices to one router via LAN ‑ cables or connect to a Wi ‑ Fi network. The router will do the rest.

Setting up the printer

Now that all your computers are connected to one local network, you need to share the printer. Sit down at the PC to which your printing device is connected and take the following steps, depending on the operating system installed.

Windows 10

Click Settings → Network & Internet → Sharing Options. Make sure the "Enable File and Printer Sharing" option is enabled in the "Private" section.

How to make a network printer: set up in Windows 10
How to make a network printer: set up in Windows 10

Now go to Settings → Devices → Printers & Scanners. Click on your printer and click "Manage" and then "Printer Properties".

How to make a network printer: set up in Windows 10
How to make a network printer: set up in Windows 10

In the properties, activate the checkbox "Share this printer".

How to make a network printer: setup in Windows 10
How to make a network printer: setup in Windows 10

Click Apply.


Open System Preferences → Printers & Scanners and select your printing device.

How to make a network printer: set up in macOS
How to make a network printer: set up in macOS

Activate the checkbox "Share printer".


We'll take the popular Ubuntu as an example, but other distributions have similar settings. Go to Settings → Devices → Printers. Click Advanced Printer Settings.

How to make a network printer: set up in Linux
How to make a network printer: set up in Linux

In the window that opens, right-click your printer device and enable the Sharing option.

Ready. After all these manipulations, your printer will be available on the network.

Add a printer on another computer

Windows 10

Go to Settings → Devices → Printers & Scanners. Click Add Printer or Scanner. Windows 10 will find the option available on the network automatically.

How to make a network printer: add a printer to a Windows 10 computer
How to make a network printer: add a printer to a Windows 10 computer

Click it and click Add Device.


Go to "System Preferences" → "Printers & Scanners" and click on the plus button to add a printer. At the top, select the Windows partition. Don't be confused by this name, this is how macOS groups all printing devices on the local network, even those connected to Linux.

How to make a network printer: add a printer to a macOS computer
How to make a network printer: add a printer to a macOS computer

Select your workgroup (by default it is usually called Workgroup), the name of the computer to which the printer is connected, and the printer itself.

Select the appropriate driver from the drop-down menu below. To do this, you may need to go to the website of the manufacturer of your printing device, download the driver from there, and install it. Then click Select Software and select the appropriate printer.

How to make a network printer: add a printer to a macOS computer
How to make a network printer: add a printer to a macOS computer

If the driver is not available, try the Universal PostScript Printer option - it works on many devices. Now click "Add" and the connection will be done.


Go to Options → Devices → Printers and click the Add button. Select the one you want and click "Add" again.

How to make a network printer: adding a printer to a Linux computer
How to make a network printer: adding a printer to a Linux computer

When the printing device appears in the list, click Advanced Printer Settings. Click it in the window that appears with the right mouse button and activate the option "Use as default", then OK.

How to make a network printer: adding a printer to a Linux computer
How to make a network printer: adding a printer to a Linux computer

Now you can print from any desktop on your local network. The main thing is that at this time the printer and the computer to which it is connected are turned on.
