Table of contents:

10 important things everyone who wants to become a volunteer should know
10 important things everyone who wants to become a volunteer should know

Volunteering is hard, but rewarding and inspiring work. Someone has a desire to help others born in a difficult life period, and someone comes to him through a great belief in goodness. If you feel that you are ripe for volunteering, but do not understand the whole inner workings, this instruction will help. We compiled it together with the national project "".

10 important things everyone who wants to become a volunteer should know
10 important things everyone who wants to become a volunteer should know

What is volunteering

Work you won't be paid for. At all

The very essence of volunteering is that you do some useful work on a volunteer basis. Selflessly. So don't expect to be paid. However, some organizations can provide room and board if you are from another area. This is a great chance to visit new cities, get to know the country better and meet like-minded people.

In addition, there are incentive programs: for good deeds they give various gifts or prizes. And if you are an applicant, volunteer experience will allow you to get additional points to the results of the USE or an advantage when entering some universities.

Temporary or regular employment

All volunteer projects can be conditionally divided into permanent, for example, environmental initiatives or aid funds, and situational: one-time actions, fees, charitable events. Volunteers are often looked for to work at major events - sports competitions, scientific conferences, creative competitions. To get into such a team, you need to submit an application in advance and pass the selection from the organizers.

Ability to choose a field of activity

How to become a volunteer: choose a field of activity
How to become a volunteer: choose a field of activity

In almost every city there are organizations that deal with environmental problems, fight against environmental pollution and for the rational use of natural resources. Medical funds help sick children and adults, organize palliative care. Volunteers are always required at the regional Red Cross offices. Animal protection initiatives find owners for homeless animals, treat them and overexpose them. Projects that collect donations for the poor, organize free food and medical care for those in need are also quite common. Volunteer work is useful for solving almost any social problem.

How to find the right initiative

Decide on the direction

To figure out what kind of volunteering is right for you, you just have to dream. Remove the financial component. Think about who you would be if you didn't have to make a living. Submit a list of socially significant professions. Add to it the initiatives you have the strongest emotional response to and the activities you've always wanted to attend.

Then, figure out your own competencies. You shouldn't try to volunteer in kennels for stray animals if you are afraid of dogs. You must clearly understand what skills you will enjoy using, and what kind of work can cause negative emotions: stress, apathy, burnout. Only then proceed to the search. Volunteering will bring a feeling of complete satisfaction if desires and opportunities harmoniously merge in it.

Think about how much time you are willing to give volunteering

Once in a volunteer initiative, beginners often rush into the pool headlong. The desire to save everyone today is overwhelming, and a person takes on more than he can bear. Other areas of life begin to suffer: family, work, relationships with friends. To avoid this, follow the schedule chosen at the start, gradually increasing or decreasing the social work time.

Get to know the programs

How to become a volunteer: get to know the programs
How to become a volunteer: get to know the programs

Many foundations and volunteer organizations hold open days. Do not be lazy to go to several of these meetings. It will become clearer for you what specialists are needed, how you can be useful, whether the initiative you like requires special training.

Take part in one-time promotions to appreciate the work “in the field”. For example, environmental organizations often organize volunteer clean-ups and tree planting, and animal assistance funds are asked to collect food and medicine. Sometimes volunteer organizations need gratuitous intellectual assistance: advise on legal issues, draw a booklet, promote a profile on social networks, create a website or a mobile application. A temporary dive into the inner workings of the project will help you figure out if you want to volunteer with this team further.

Take training

Most volunteer work does not require any special skills. However, if you have chosen a narrow direction, for example, working with addicts or donating, special knowledge may be required. To feel more confident on the chosen path, take training courses. Some organizations train newcomers themselves. If this is not possible, look for information online and at special sites.

If you want to join a volunteer initiative or start your own project, but do not know how, the online social science platform “” can help you. It was created within the framework of the national project "" specifically to train volunteers. All courses are based on real cases, and you can take them absolutely free of charge. In "" you will learn how to build effective communication, prepare for donation, promote a social project in the media. Here, future volunteers learn to provide first aid to the elderly and work in animal shelters. To get useful knowledge, it is enough to register on the portal.

What you need to be prepared for

Misunderstanding on the part of loved ones

Unfortunately, this happens. By spending time and energy on volunteering, you somehow take these resources from your relationship with your family, partner or friends. And even if you are supported at first, misunderstandings can still arise.

To avoid this, talk frankly with loved ones. You should not pour general phrases, express only your feelings and thoughts. Explain what prompted you to volunteer and why you really need to help others. You can also gently and unobtrusively invite your loved one to join. Working together for charity can bring you and your family very close.

Fatigue and burnout

Volunteering is not a hobby. This is a responsible, sometimes emotionally difficult, sometimes unpleasant and exhausting job. You can burn out from volunteering. No matter how hard you try, you cannot save all sick children, attach all homeless cats, cleanse the entire planet of garbage once and for all.

You will face setbacks, closed doors, losses and total team despair. When you feel that the moment of crisis has come, take a break, reflect. Remember why you volunteered at all. Think of those who have already been helped by your knowledge and skills.

Making new friends

You will communicate a lot with wards and like-minded people, other team members. Curators help and support, especially for newbies. Often, beginner volunteers are united in groups with more experienced children - this way the acquaintance with the initiative is faster and more comfortable. No matter how difficult the problem is, you will not be left alone with it.

Volunteering is easier than it sounds. You can find a suitable direction, take a training course, create your own project and send it to a grant competition on the platform. It is an ecosystem of services for the development of volunteering and positive social activity.

And if you already have an idea for a project that is useful to those around you, bring it to life and apply as a candidate for the award. The winners will receive a grant of up to 2.5 million rubles for the implementation of their plans, as well as the opportunity to take part in educational internships and talk about the initiative on the leading sites of the Runet.
