Table of contents:

Coping with burnout when work is exhausting
Coping with burnout when work is exhausting

Identify the cause of your stress and take care of yourself.

Coping with burnout when work is exhausting
Coping with burnout when work is exhausting

Identify the symptoms

Burnout has become a serious problem of our time. Millions of people think in horror about Sunday night and get sick on the way to work on Monday morning. And when they imagine how long to endure until Friday, they get even worse. All this is characteristic of burnout - a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion.

You have no strength for anything, a feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, irritation grows. And in the end, it begins to seem that there are no more internal resources at all. Naturally, there can be no question of any productivity in such a state.

If you have a mentally or emotionally stressful job and don't mind your decisions and habits, burnout is almost guaranteed.

According to the WHO definition, "burnout is a syndrome recognized as the result of chronic stress in the workplace that has not been successfully overcome." It spreads to other aspects of life and manifests itself as follows:

  • You feel exhausted, you have no strength for anything. Sleep problems and flu-like symptoms may occur.
  • It is difficult for you to concentrate. The brain seems to shut down and sink into a fog that can last up to several hours.
  • You are annoyed and unhappy. And you criticize yourself too often.
  • You get tired of too bright light and too much noise. Supermarkets and similar places start to put pressure on you.
  • You are no longer happy with what you used to love. And there is nothing you can do about it.

Determine the reason

Psychologists distinguish three subtypes of burnout: caused by overload, lack of development, and indifference. Each of them needs a different approach.

  1. Overload. This subtype is common among those who work fanatically to the end despite being tired. More often than not, these people try to cope with burnout by letting off steam and complaining about their boss or work organization. However, this does not help, it only increases stress.
  2. Lack of development. It occurs in people who do not have the opportunity to reach their potential at work. To cope with stress, they distance themselves from work, and this causes discouragement and cynical attitude towards tasks.
  3. Indifference. This subtype of burnout occurs when a person gives up in response to constant stress or lack of reward. He feels that he is not in control of the situation and begins to feel indifferent. As a result, he lacks the motivation to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal, even if he wants to achieve it.

Any burnout is like a leaking pipe from which it drips for months or even years. However, at some point, it will burst and water will flood everything around. Therefore, it is important to notice the symptoms in time and choose the right "treatment".

Protect yourself from stress

If you're feeling overwhelmed at work, put self-care first. Remember that your brain needs to rest in order to effectively do what you ask of it.

  • Recover your physical and emotional strength. To do this, improve your sleep, eat well, move more and communicate with people. Try meditating and keeping notes in a diary, be more in nature. Just remember that rest and relaxation will alleviate the condition, but will not eliminate the problem. If you have a huge amount of work every day, they won't save you.
  • Try to reduce the number of responsibilities. Talk about overloading with your boss. Automate or delegate some tasks. Track what exactly you are wasting time on, after which you remain completely exhausted. Then think about how to do less of such tasks or interact with people who cause stress and bad mood.
  • Change the way you do your work. Stop convincing yourself that you can do everything if you delay or put in more effort. Whenever you feel too tired, switch to something else to recharge.

If burnout is caused by a lack of development opportunities, find something to help you open up.

  • Talk to your supervisor. Perhaps you need creative challenges, more responsibility, or a position in another department.
  • If your job doesn't have that chance, find a hobby. And start doing it in your free time. Think about what you would like. Maybe play a musical instrument, paint, write, or do some unusual sport. Let it be something that fills you with joy, and your life with meaning.
  • Don't neglect your hobbies. Once you've found something that energizes, make it a permanent part of your life. If the burnout is caused by cooling to work, this is especially important. In this state, there is usually nothing to do with anything, and a hobby or project will just help to return the fuse. This will change the attitude to work.

If you are burned out by indifference and lack of control, start your recovery with small steps.

  • Do simple tasks. Once you deal with them, you will feel motivated again.
  • Make a list of things to stop doing. Focus on the core tasks that will move you towards your goal.
  • Don't make too many commitments. Set your own boundaries and say no more often. All of this will give you back a sense of control.
