How to develop a mindset that helps you succeed
How to develop a mindset that helps you succeed

Blessed are people with outstanding brains, they have every chance to succeed, and the lot of the rest is to put up with a tit in hand. If you think so, then you should read this article on a new Stanford University study that says success depends on a mindset.

How to develop a mindset that helps you succeed
How to develop a mindset that helps you succeed

Psychologist Carol Dweck has researched performance and mindsets throughout her career, and her latest research has shown that the propensity for success is more dependent on attitudes toward problems than on high IQs.

Dweck found that there are two types of thinking: fixed thinking and growth thinking.

If you have fixed thinkingthen you are sure that you are who you are and you cannot change it. It creates problems when life challenges you: if you feel like you have more to do than you can handle, you feel hopeless.

People with mindset of growth believe they can be better if they put in the effort. They outperform people with a fixed mindset, even if their intelligence is lower. People with a growth mindset face challenges as opportunities to learn new things.

The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset
The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset

Common sense dictates that a person endowed with high intelligence is confident in himself. This is so, but only as long as everything is easy for him. The deciding factor is how you face problems and setbacks. People with a growth mindset welcome obstacles in life with open arms.

For people with a growth mindset, failure is information. We call what happened a failure, but for them it is more likely to be perceived as: it didn’t work, but I know how to solve problems, so I’ll try to do something else.

Carol Dweck

No matter what type of mindset you currently have, you can develop a growth mindset. Here are a few strategies to help you restructure your thinking.

Don't be helpless

Each of us finds himself in a situation where he feels helpless. The question is how we react to this feeling. We can either learn a lesson and move on, or we can get lost. Many successful people would not be successful if they succumbed to feelings of helplessness.

Walt Disney was fired from the Kansas City Star because he "lacked imagination and had no good ideas," Oprah Winfrey was fired from her job as a TV presenter in Baltimore because she was "too emotionally involved. in their stories”, Henry Ford had two unsuccessful car companies before Ford, and Steven Spielberg was dropped several times from the University of Southern California's School of Motion Picture Arts.

Imagine what would happen if all these people had a fixed mindset. They would have resigned themselves to failure and lost hope. People with a growth mindset don't feel helpless, they understand that to be successful you have to fail, but then start all over again.

Surrender to passion

Inspired people pursue their passions incessantly. There may always be someone more talented than you, but the lack of talent can be compensated for by passion. Through passion, the pursuit of excellence continues unabated in inspired people.

Warren Buffett advises seeking out your passion with the 5/25 technique. List 25 things that matter to you. Then cross out 20 starting at the bottom. The remaining 5 are your true passions. Everything else is just entertainment.

Take action

The difference between people with a growth mindset is not that they are bolder than others and are able to overcome their fears, but that they understand that fear and anxiety are paralyzing, and the best way to deal with paralysis is to do something. People with a growth mindset have an inner core, they realize that they don't have to wait for the perfect moment to move forward. As we take action, we transform worry and anxiety into positive, directional energy.

Walk an extra mile or two

Strong people do their best even on their worst days. They always push themselves to walk a little more. A student of Bruce Lee (Bruce Lee) ran 5 kilometers with a mentor every day. Once, after a run, Bruce suggested running another 3 kilometers. The tired student objected: "I will die if I run another 3 kilometers," to which Bruce replied: "Well, do it."

His student was so angry that he ran these 3 kilometers, and then, exhausted and furious, attacked Bruce, angry with him for this comment. And the teacher explained his answer as follows:

Stopping is tantamount to death. If you set limits on your capabilities, physical or otherwise, they will spread throughout your life. To work, morality, everything else. There are no limits. There are temporary stops, but you can't linger on them, you need to go further. If it kills, then it kills. A person must constantly improve his level.

If you don't get a little better every day, then you are getting a little worse - and what kind of life is this?

Expect Results

People with a growth mindset understand that they will fail from time to time, but that does not stop them from expecting results. Waiting for results keeps you motivated and encourages you to improve. After all, if you're not going to be successful, why bother with it at all?

Be flexible

Everyone faces unforeseen difficulties. Inspired people with a growth mindset see this as an opportunity to become better, not as an excuse to give up on purpose. When life is challenging, strong people will look for options until they get results.

Don't complain when things don't go as planned

Complaining is an obvious sign of fixed-minded people. People with a growth mindset look for opportunities in any outcome, they don't have time to complain.

Follow all the points above

Watch how you react every day, even to small events. And constantly try to respond correctly. The way a person with a growth mindset would do it.
