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5 scientifically proven reasons to get up early
5 scientifically proven reasons to get up early

Larks are more successful, active and satisfied with life, scientists say.

5 scientifically proven reasons to get up early
5 scientifically proven reasons to get up early

Why is it important to get up early?

1. You will get a better chance of success in your career

Studies have shown that people who are most active in the early morning are more productive during the day.

At the same time, owls are, as a rule, smarter, more creative and sociable, but out of sync with the office schedule prevents them from fully manifesting these qualities. Larks, on the other hand, are energetic all day long, and research has linked their activity to higher wages.

2. You will be healthier

People who get up early have more time to get ready for the start of the active part of the day. This allows them to exercise, not skip breakfast and think over the sequence of actions.

Research shows that those who get up early cope with their morning routine faster. And people who ignore the alarm are at risk of stress or depression. Scientists attribute this to the fact that larks are less nervous in the morning.

3. You will stop procrastinating

Early risers do not postpone important tasks until later. This is closely related to the high level of activity in the morning. And high efficiency, in turn, gives larks a quality, carefree sleep, which further increases their productivity.

This has been confirmed by research many times. For example, in an experiment with Canadian students, a link was found between late ascents and low self-control.

4. You will be slimmer

Research shows that early risers are much more likely to stay lean. In Australia, they studied the experience of 2,200 young people and found that owls are one and a half times more likely to be obese, half as physically active and almost three times more sitting in front of a TV or computer than doctors recommend.

Those who wake up late are more likely to choose fast food, consume fewer fruits and vegetables, and eat an average of 248 kcal more, according to Northwestern University in the United States.

5. You will enjoy life more

Life satisfaction is one of the important factors by which well-being is assessed. And scientists managed to find out that those who get up early are much more satisfied with existence than their late waking up environment.

The studies were carried out in various countries, including Spain and Poland. It turned out that the life satisfaction of larks is higher everywhere, regardless of culture and geographic location.

How to turn an owl into a lark

At first glance, we are talking about natural biological rhythms that cannot be corrected. However, researchers claim that you can re-educate yourself.

Only 50% of our tendencies to be an owl or an early bird are determined by genetics. The rest is a matter of discipline.

According to biology professor Christoph Randler, it is difficult to radically transform your biological rhythms, but everyone can change their sleep and wake schedule by at least an hour. To do this, you need to gradually shift the time of falling asleep and rising in the right direction.

For more significant changes, he recommends early walks. Daylight reprograms the biological clock, shifting activity into the morning. At the same time, evening outings have the opposite effect.
