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How to learn to dance twerk
How to learn to dance twerk

The size of the priests does not matter!

How to learn to dance twerk
How to learn to dance twerk

Twerk is just a super sexy dance that will pump your plasticity, and at the same time load your abs and back muscles quite well. First, we will learn a few basic movements, and then we will diversify the dance vocabulary and analyze the main mistakes. And at the end you will find a bonus in the form of a playlist with suitable music.

If you have problems with the lumbar spine, perform the movements with caution, and it is better to consult your doctor.

Learn to make basic elements

Booty pop back

Place your feet wider than your shoulders, spread the toes of your feet slightly to the sides. Bend your knees and place your hands on your hips, turning them inward with your fingers, bend your lower back.

From this position, twist the pelvis down, and then, due to the deflection in the lower back, return it to its original position. Imagine trying to reach the top of your head with your pelvis.

It is important to fix your upper back and work only with your lower back. You cannot strain the gluteal muscles, otherwise the movement will turn out to be squeezed.

If you are having difficulty, try an approach exercise first. Place your hands on your hips so that your middle fingers lie on the protruding bones of the pelvis in front, and your thumbs - behind, closer to the sacrum. Bend your knees, push your pelvis down and then up, controlling the movement of your hands.

When you feel more confident, remove your hands and engage your knees. When the pelvis goes down, the knees bend, when it rises up, they unbend. The knees should not be locked at the extreme point; they should remain slightly bent.

The pelvis is fed back not only by straightening the knees. The lower back must work.

Front booty pop

This movement is very similar to the previous one, only the emphasis is on giving the pelvis forward rather than backward.

Put your feet wide, slightly turn your toes to the sides. You can put your hands on your hips to feel the tilt better. At the same time, bend your knees and sharply push the pelvis forward so that the butt goes down, and then bend the lower back and bring the pelvis back.

The emphasis is on the first phase of the movement, when the butt goes down. It is important at this moment not to pinch the buttocks, but to change the position of the pelvis due to the tension of the abdominal muscles.

Try other twerk moves


This element repeats the usual booty pop, only the movement of the pelvis in it is double: down-down, up-up.

Suffle twerk

Place your feet wider than your shoulders. At the same time, turn one leg toe and knee outward and transfer your weight to the opposite hip. Then, with a small jump, switch sides.

Try to move slowly at first to get the gist, then accelerate. Jump relaxed.

Up down twerk

Bend your lower back and take your pelvis back. On the count of "one" at the same time round the lower back, giving the pelvis forward, bend your knees and bring your shoulders forward. At the expense of "two", bend your lower back and take your ass back in a semi-squat.

On the count of three, straighten your knees, round your lower back and bring your shoulders forward. On the count of four, bend your back in your chest, straightening your shoulders.

It turns out that at the bottom point you bend in the lower back, and at the top - in the thoracic region.


To get a feel for the movement, start doing it slowly. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, palms against the pelvis. Take turns touching the palms with one or the other with the pelvic bone. Accelerate gradually.

You can wobble upright or bent over. Practice slowly bending over and back up as you move. Important: you should not pinch, otherwise stiffness will arise and no shaking will work.

Zig zag

Stand in a twerk rack, lower your right hip and then your left hip down first. Then, one at a time, lift them to their original position. At first, perform the elements slowly, with fixation at each point, and then gradually accelerate.

You can do this movement a little higher. In this case, start with a straight-legged stand in a slope. Likewise, lower your right and left thighs in turn while bending your knees, and then raise your hips while straightening your legs.

Stripper shake

Stand up on your toes and roll your feet with your heels in and out over a small range. Bend your lower back, try to relax your hips as much as possible.

This element can be performed in a straight position or in an incline, move both legs at once, or one at a time.


Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, point your toes forward, tilt your body and rest your hands on your hips. Rotate the pelvis, lowering and raising it in the direction of travel.

You can do this both in an incline, leaning on your hips, and standing.

Happy twerk

Take the starting position for twerk, point the toes of the feet forward. Do one regular booty pop in place, then another with the socks and knees turned to the sides, and then another with them returning to the upright position.

Continue turning your toes and knees out and back, following the movement with pelvic tilts.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, rise to half-toes. Take your pelvis back a little. Step quickly from foot to foot, trying to relax your buttocks.


Raise your right leg to the side, wrap it with your toe and knee inward. From this position, simultaneously transfer your weight to your left thigh and turn your raised leg toe out. Return the foot to the floor and repeat on the other side.

Try to move in other positions

Twerk can be danced not only while standing, but also squatting, on all fours and even upside down on your hands, with your feet resting on the wall. Try different positions to help diversify your dance.


This is the same booty pop, just squatting. If you don't have enough stretching to move freely in a deep squat, work on hip mobility first.

Offset to one side

This option also requires good stretching. Otherwise, you will not be able to relax and move freely.

On knees

To get started, practice standing up to get used to it. Raise one leg to the toes, turning it with the knee outward and at the same time leaning on the opposite thigh. Then smoothly change sides.

Now place your palms on the floor, arch your lower back, bend your knees and lift your heels off the floor. Perform the already familiar movement in a new position.

For a start, this is enough for you. Try, combine the movements with each other and, if something fails, correct mistakes.

Understand why you are failing

There are three main reasons why, instead of twerking, you end up with some kind of bullshit. And the size of the priests has nothing to do with it.

1. You lack flexibility

To twerk well, you must have good lumbar spine and hip mobility. If flexibility is lacking, you can develop it by doing stretching exercises.

2. You work with your back and shoulders

All basic movements require lower back flexion. It is at the expense of the lower spine that you move the pelvis back and forth. But if, during a booty pop, you bend in the thoracic spine and connect your shoulders, the movement will not look like twerk much.

3. You are too stressed

This is probably the main mistake of beginners, because of which, instead of sexual shaking, you get a squeezed, wooden pelvic movement.

Don't overdo it, relax your glutes and hips, and shake the tension off your arms and shoulders. All elements should be carried out easily and without clamps. The best way to relax and feel the movement is to play music.

Pick up music

We found a cool audio selection that you want to dance to and not stop. The YouTube description contains the names of all the tracks.

And one more large selection, this time from Yandex. Music. There are some cool tracks there too, some of which have a fairly calm tempo so you can practice the movements in a relaxed and at ease.

Write in the comments how your twerking is progressing. It turns out?
