Table of contents:

Prevention of varicose veins: 12 habits for healthy veins
Prevention of varicose veins: 12 habits for healthy veins

These simple tips will save you from bloated veins.

What to do now so as not to suffer from varicose veins later
What to do now so as not to suffer from varicose veins later

Unlike arteries, veins cannot contract. Therefore, in order to combat the force of gravity and return blood from tissues and organs to the heart and lungs, they need muscles around them and valves Russian clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic venous diseases inside.

The former should work like pumps. The second is the same as the valves in some pipe that pumps water up. Their task is to open in one direction and let the liquid pass only forward, and at the same time - to reduce Normal physiology: textbook / Orlov R. S., Nozdrachev A. D. - 2nd ed., Revised. and add. 2010. influence of atmospheric pressure on blood and vessel walls.

Prevention of varicose veins is quite simple
Prevention of varicose veins is quite simple

When muscles or valves stop working and the veins stretch due to excessive blood pressure, varicose veins occur. This is a disease that covers the legs with nodules of curved bulging vessels and can lead to thrombosis.

Varicose veins can develop in anyone, but more often those whose relatives already have such problems, as well as women after 45-50 years old, suffer.

Muscle and valve problems can begin for many reasons. We can't walk on all fours all the time and influence genetics, gender and age. But changing the way of life is quite real.

1. Go in for sports

When we do not move, sit or stand a lot, the muscles in our legs do not contract, do not work as pumps, and blood accumulates in the veins.

Therefore, almost any physical activity helps to protect against varicose veins. Especially helpful are Varicose veins walking, swimming, fitness and competitive sports in venous pathology cycling and jogging.

But be careful. If you have a predisposition to varicose veins, weightlifting, football, rowing and martial arts can affect the veins badly and cause them to stretch.

2. Warm up daily

Exercising 2-3 times a week is not enough if you have to sit or stand the rest of the time. Therefore, do not forget to periodically change your position and stretch your Varicose veins. You can simply roll from heel to toe or do the simple exercises that Varicose veins suggests. Prevention measures, nutrition and gymnastics, for example, the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education:

  • Calf Raises. Stand up straight with your feet together. Rise on your toes and lower yourself to the starting position.
  • Raises with socks apart. Stand straight with your heels touching and your toes spread apart. Rise on your toes and lower your entire foot.
  • Rises with heels apart. Standing straight, bring your socks together and spread your heels. Gently climb onto your toes and lower yourself to the starting position.
  • Bike. Lie on your back, bend your legs and move them as if you were pedaling a bicycle. It is important to fully straighten each leg.

Do each exercise 20-30 times.

3. Choose the right shoes

Studs adorn the leg, but do not add health. Studies show The clinical importance of air plethysmography in the assessment of chronic venous disease that women who wear high-heeled shoes on a daily basis have muscle problems and blood stagnation in their veins.

Therefore, it is better to buy boots with a slight rise or switch to sneakers, and leave the stiletto heels for special occasions.

4. Wear compression stockings and tights

A feature of the Mayo Clinic Q and A compression underwear: Tips for using compression stockings - a special weave of threads that presses on the legs and helps the muscles to push blood through the veins.

It is necessary to wear stockings and tights during long flights. Compression stockings for the prevention of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in air passengers and preparation for a major operation. Compression stockings with graduated compression for the prevention of deep vein thrombosis during a hospital stay. Also, pregnant women cannot do without them,who have a predisposition to varicose veins or the first spider veins appeared on the skin.

5. Don't prescribe hormones to yourself

The impetus for varicose veins is often hormonal changes. For example, when the content of progesterone in the blood increases during pregnancy, the connective tissue becomes loose. The effect of hormones on collagen metabolism in women with and without connective tissue dysplasia becomes loose. Therefore, the valves are easily damaged.

The elasticity of the connective tissue is also impaired with a lack of estrogen, which is observed, for example, with menopause or when taking drugs that block the work of the ovaries.

Oral contraceptives normalize hormonal levels, but Varicose veins can cause varicose veins, especially when taken uncontrollably. There are several reasons for the phlebopathic effect of combined oral contraceptives and its drug correction. Firstly, this is how synthetic hormones act on the body, they reduce the tone of the veins. Secondly, the blood becomes thicker, which means that it is more difficult for the veins to push it up. Therefore, over time, not only varicose veins, but also thrombosis may occur.

6. Don't smoke and drink less

Smoking and alcohol abuse also make Lifestyle factors and varicose veins: does cross-sectional design result in underestimate of the risk? valves loose, unable to close properly, and blood thick.

7. Control your weight

If a person's intra-abdominal pressure increases, the load on the veins increases. For example, this happens with obesity Pathogenesis of varicose veins - lessons from biomechanics.

To prevent varicose veins, keep your weight within normal limits. Use a calculator to calculate your body mass index (BMI).

8. Eat more vegetables and fruits

They can help relieve constipation. When the intestines are overflowing with feces, the outflow of blood from the pelvis becomes difficult. And when a person pushes, the accumulated blood tries to return to the legs and stretches the veins. Varicose veins often result in varicose veins.

Therefore, it is important to eat more Constipation - self-care fiber. It is abundant in vegetables and fruits, especially in cabbage, zucchini, corn, peaches, plums, apricots. But flour, fast food, sausages, on the contrary, increase constipation.

9. Try to eat less salt

It retains the varicose veins fluid in the body and increases the volume of blood, which will press harder on the vein walls.

10. Don't cross your legs

Researchers say Unusual causes of varicose veins in the lower extremities: CT venographic and Doppler US findings Because of it, the pressure in the veins increases and the valves suffer. The risk increases if there is a predisposition to the disease. Therefore, do not cross your legs when sitting.

11. Do not wear tight clothing

Skinny jeans or skirts, too tight underwear emphasize the figure, but are harmful to health. They also compress Varicose veins large vessels of the groin or thighs, which means they increase the pressure in the veins.

So, more often, wear clothes that do not hinder your movement.

12. Raise your legs

If you stand or sit for a long time during the day and do not warm up, the veins will overflow with blood, it will seem as if the legs are bursting from the inside. It is quite easy to relieve pressure in the veins with Varicose veins. Come home after work, lie on the sofa, and throw your legs on the back or use a blanket roller, but so that your shins are higher than your head. 20-30 minutes is enough for a feeling of lightness.
