Table of contents:

10 driving mistakes that piss off other drivers
10 driving mistakes that piss off other drivers

Just do not say that you have never tried to move on the handbrake.

10 driving mistakes that piss off other drivers
10 driving mistakes that piss off other drivers

1. Wait for the traffic police in case of a minor accident

If you collide with another car, you do not need to block the road for half a day while waiting for the police. There is such a thing as a European protocol. Both drivers fill out a form, notify their insurance companies and drive off. Issue a Europrotocol if only two cars were involved in an accident, there are no casualties, and the potential repair does not exceed the insurance premium. The standard limit is up to 100 thousand rubles. If the drivers have no disagreements, and the accident was recorded by cameras, the amount can be increased to 400 thousand rubles.

In any accident, a reliable insurance policy is important. In order not to run into a fake, buy only from trusted insurers. In the Insurance House "VSK" you can issue a policy online in 5 minutes at or at. There is no need to go to the office: the electronic insurance will arrive by mail and remain in the application. Drivers receive discounts for trouble-free driving.

2. Change shoes in the first snowfall

Riding summer tires until the first frost is not an idea. It will be more difficult to slow down in the stream of cars, and besides, in the morning ice you can be heavily carried over. And even before this moment, many car owners are pulling, so there will be kilometer-long queues at the tire service and you will have to spend a lot of time. Better change your shoes without waiting and risks, when the temperature starts to drop to + 5 … + 7 degrees.

3. Do not wear a vest outside the city

If you get out of the car on the road outside the village - a vest. In the dark and with limited visibility. Violation of this rule by a fine of 500 rubles. But something else is more important. The introduction of this measure was pushed by statistics: in 2017, the number of collisions with drivers on the roadside increased by 4.8%. Keep in mind that this rule appeared in Russia two years ago. It has been operating in European countries for a long time, precisely because it works.

4. Drive on the side of the road

Driver mistakes: driving on the side of the road
Driver mistakes: driving on the side of the road

It seems that to quickly go around the traffic jam and turn first is normal and there is nothing to worry about. But this is not the case. First, there are rules. You can run into a fine from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles. And besides, it is simply ugly in relation to other participants in the movement. Climbing out of line, pouring rubble from under the wheels of standing cars and raising columns of dust? For such a dirty maneuver, unflattering, but very fair statements of angry drivers will fly after you.

5. Forget about the handbrake at the start

In the lessons at the driving school, it is not in vain that they ask to put the car on the handbrake and remove it before driving. The habit of checking it before moving off needs to be polished to automatism. Even if you have a new car with a parking brake on a button. Otherwise, you run the risk of quickly wearing out the brake components: sandwiched pads will wear out more than usual. If the car is not new, there is a threat to disable the handbrake itself, and driving with such a breakdown is prohibited.

6. Park next to another car

In big cities, you don't have to pick and choose - it is important to find at least some place. But it's better to make an extra circle than to squeeze into the narrowest possible space. Otherwise, you risk finding your car with scratches on its side. And if you run into a hot-tempered person driving another car, the consequences can be any. Especially do not cuddle up to the left side of another car - you will block the driver's seat. Better to leave less space on the right: you can always drive off to get a passenger.

7. Put the automatic transmission on "neutral"

This mistake is made by experienced drivers with mechanically operated cars, when they change to a machine - in traffic jams or in front of a traffic light, they change the speed from D to N. But the automatic transmission is useless: the box was invented precisely in order not to change speeds. The car will still start in first gear when you resume driving. In many cars, the transition from D to N goes through the R - position for reverse. You can miss and accidentally back up. It makes sense to park your car in the P - parking lot if you stand in front of the barrier for 10 minutes to rest your leg.

8. Exceeding the speed limit "within acceptable limits"

Many people think that more often than not exceeding by less than 20 km / h is not recorded by cameras. Therefore, they exceed by 19 km / h. But you shouldn't do that. First, there are talks about lowering this threshold - you can miss the moment when the limit will be lowered and collect a bunch of fines. Second and foremost, speed limits are not a formality, but safety requirements. For example, if a pedestrian accidentally hits a pedestrian, an extra kilometer per hour becomes a matter of a person's life and death. And if you get into an accident at a speed higher than the permitted speed and the cameras will record it, there will definitely be additional problems, even if you are “right”.

It seems that these are all trifles and it is not worth to be driven like that. But in fact, one second is enough to bump into a car that you did not see in an unadjusted mirror, or to be fined. Good insurance will help you be protected in any case. You can quickly issue an OSAGO policy at. All calculations and registration are carried out online, and the policy is immediately sent to the mail. You can report an insured event in the mobile application without traveling to the company's office.

9. Do not customize the mirrors for yourself

If several people are driving the car, or you just gave it to someone else to steer, do not forget to readjust the mirrors. The key is before you start, not after. It is dangerous to fidget about changing position when you are already driving and do not control the cars behind. You also need to check the position of the seat and steering wheel immediately. Place your hands on the steering wheel and try to squeeze the clutch several times. If it was convenient for you, you can go.

10. Confuse the purpose of the bands

Many people forget that you cannot drive on the highway in the left lane if you are not overtaking another car. For this, write out a fine of 1,500 rubles. In the city, you need to plan maneuvers in advance and do not occupy the central lane if you need to leave to the left. If you do not see the lane direction arrow sign, turn from the far right or left position is the safest and safest option.
