How to sit at a laptop so that your back does not hurt
How to sit at a laptop so that your back does not hurt

Think about your health and reconsider your habits, even if nothing bothers you so far.

How to sit at a laptop so that your back does not hurt
How to sit at a laptop so that your back does not hurt

Laptops expand the possibilities of work. The screen connected to the keyboard and the relatively light weight are what you need for freedom of movement both in the office and anywhere else. But from constant communication with the laptop, my back, neck and shoulders hurt. All the same unity of the screen and the keyboard turns it into an uncomfortable thing from the point of view of the spine: it is difficult to find a position in which the posture will be correct.

Here's what to do to reduce the strain on your back when working on your laptop:

  • Use a separate keyboard and mouse at your primary work area. Place the laptop on the stand so that the screen is at eye level.
  • Don't put your laptop on your lap. Place it on a table or bedside table - the main thing is that there is support for your hands.
  • Take breaks. At least twice an hour, be distracted from work and move for five minutes - this way the load on the joints and muscles will be less.
  • Learn to sit properly at your desk. How exactly - we described in detail in this article. Make sure the table and chair are suitable for your height and that you can easily reach the items you need for the job.
  • Take your hand away from your face, straighten up and adjust your posture now … Find a laptop stand and optional keyboard, even if nothing hurts.

Back, neck and shoulder pains increase gradually and are difficult to treat. So don't put off the habit of sitting right for later.
