Table of contents:

How to work with an ab roller and not hurt your back
How to work with an ab roller and not hurt your back

If you follow the technique correctly, it will help build iron muscles.

How to work with an ab roller and not hurt your back
How to work with an ab roller and not hurt your back

Why is a press roller good

For starters, it is compact and cheap: the simplest models cost between 250-500 rubles. At the same time, exercise has many advantages:

  • Pumps abs more efficiently than popular crunches and folds.
  • Perfectly loads the oblique abdominal muscles.
  • Protects the lower back. Compared to the fold and other abdominal exercises, the roller movement does not put a lot of stress on the lower back and hip extensors. The entire load goes to the rectus abdominis muscle, and the intervertebral discs in the lumbar spine do not suffer from compression.
  • Suitable for all skill levels. The difficulty of the roller exercise depends on how far you roll it. By changing the distance, you can adjust the load and track your progress.

However, all this is true only if the correct technique is followed. Otherwise, the roller exercise may result in a smashed chin on the floor or back pain. Excessive deflection in the lower back creates compression, which can lead to disc protrusion, pinched nerve roots, inflammation and pain.

How to work out with the press roller

Place a rug on the floor and kneel on it. Grab the roller handles, round your back and tighten your abs, straighten and lock your elbows.

Roll the roller forward, keeping the body in position. Make sure that your lower back does not bend throughout the entire exercise.

Get to the point from which you can return, and roll the roller back. Return to the same position - with a rounded back and tight abs.

Notice how the movement back begins. It should come from the body, as if you were being pulled up behind your back, and not from your hips or shoulders.

If you start moving from the pelvis, pushing your hips back (as in the video below), you steal some of the load from the press and make the exercise ineffective.

If you start with the shoulders, you get unnecessary deflection in the lower back and, again, remove some of the load from the press.

It is also important to keep your arms straight. In the video below, you can clearly see how bent elbows spoil the shape of the exercise.

And consider your level of training. If you have weak abdominal muscles, trying to roll the roller as far as possible will end up falling or lifting with terrible technique. Therefore, first find out what range you are capable of.

How to find your range during exercise

Kneel against the wall, about one step away from it. Roll the roller forward until it hits the wall, and then go back.

If you manage to maintain the correct technique, move a little further and repeat. Choose a range that you can move and then measure it with a tape measure.

As you level up your abs, you will be able to gradually increase your range of motion and track your progress.

How often to practice with the press roller

The abdominal muscles can be trained every day: they tolerate stress well and recover quickly. To get started, do 3-5 sets of 8-10 times in your safe range.

As the muscles strengthen, increase the distance, and when you learn to almost completely straighten your body (keeping the lower back neutral!) And return, increase the number of repetitions.

Which press roller to choose

Everything will depend on the level of your training.

Single roller

Single press roller
Single press roller

It is most difficult to practice on simple single rollers, which can be bought for 300–500 rubles. Because of the narrow wheel, you have to make an effort not only to roll the roller back and forth, but also to maintain balance.

What to buy

  • Gymnastic roller-skating rink from Sport Elite, 288 rubles →
  • Press roller from Starfit, 399 rubles →
  • Big roller for the press from Starfit, 320 rubles →

Parallel Roller

Parallel wheel press roller
Parallel wheel press roller

Twin models with parallel wheels are slightly more stable. They are 100-200 rubles more expensive than single ones, but much more stable.

What to buy

  • Two-row gymnastic roller from Silapro, 706 rubles →
  • Two-row gymnastic roller from Start up, 415 rubles →
  • Two-row gymnastic roller from Torneo, 699 rubles →

Roller with wheels of different sizes

Roller for a press with wheels of different sizes
Roller for a press with wheels of different sizes

This option is even more stable. These rollers cost three times the price of simple single models, but they provide good stability. They are suitable for those looking for a safe entry-level option at an average price.

What to buy

  • Folding press roller, 1 547 rubles →
  • Folding press roller from Kettler, 1 999 rubles →

Return roller

The thicker rollers with a return mechanism are the easiest to deal with. They are not only stable, but also have a special spring that makes the wheel spin in the opposite direction and helps to return to its original position.

However, it is worth considering: these rollers are suitable for beginners, and as you grow in training, their stability and help with returning will take the load off your abs and slow down your progress.

What to buy

  • Press roller from Atlanterra, 3 230 rubles →
  • Roller for the press with a return mechanism, 990 rubles →

Whichever model you choose, remember: if you follow the correct technique, even the simplest roller will not lead to injury and pain. If at the lowest point your lower back fails, and you start each return by feeding the pelvis back, there will be no result even with the most expensive model.
