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How to avoid irritation after shaving
How to avoid irritation after shaving

Wash with warm water, change blades in time and do not press.

How to avoid irritation after shaving
How to avoid irritation after shaving

In English, skin irritation after shaving is called a "razor burn." The symptoms are really similar to a burn: the skin turns red, itches, swells, hurts when touched. It may also develop a distinct red rash.

This is what irritation after shaving looks like
This is what irritation after shaving looks like

See what irritation looks like after shaving Close

Why shaving irritation occurs

Experts from the American medical resource KidsHealth name seven main reasons:

  1. You do not wash your face with warm water before the procedure.
  2. You forget to use a shaving gel or cream.
  3. You have a dull razor.
  4. You are pushing too hard on the machine.
  5. You shave against hair growth.
  6. You are using inappropriate cosmetics, to which your skin reacts with irritation. For example, it can be a scented aftershave.
  7. You shave too often.

How to shave to avoid irritation

Pre-steam the skin

For example, take a hot shower or dip your face in warm water. This is an important point: thanks to the warmth and moisture, the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, and the bristles are softened and easier to machine. If not prepared, you will have to put in more effort to shave, and the risk of accidentally damaging the cover will increase.

Always use shaving cream or gel

These tools are designed to make the blade easier to slide over the skin and less trauma to it. In addition, creams and gels moisturize and soothe the epidermis, further reducing the risk of irritation.

If you don't have special shaving cosmetics at hand, you can replace it with regular soap suds. Just remember to apply a moisturizer to your skin immediately after the procedure.

Change the blade to a new one in time

If you have used the machine several times, it has probably lost its sharpness. This is clearly manifested: if at first it was enough to make one movement to cut off all the hairs, then the tired blade has to actively crawl over the skin - otherwise poorly shaved areas remain. In addition, older shaving razors are less slippery. As a result, you chafe your skin.

There are no strict standards for how often the blades should be changed. Focus on your own sensations when shaving, the condition of the cutting insert (it is definitely time to throw it away if it has plaque or rust on it) and the recommendations given by the manufacturers of razors:

  • if you shave daily, change the blade every 1–2 weeks;
  • every other day - every 2-3 weeks;
  • a couple of times weekly - every 4–6 weeks.

And just in case, we remind you: if you buy disposable machines, use them exactly once. No more.

Do not press the machine into the skin

The temptation to put pressure on the razor arises when it is dull. In this case, you are deliberately rough in order to accurately cut off all the hairs.

But if the blade is sharp, with great diligence it will shave off the bristles along with the top layer of the epidermis. This can lead not only to irritation, but also to inflammation of the damaged areas: this is how red pimples appear on freshly shaved skin.

Remember the consequences and try to make light, gentle movements so as not to injure the skin.

Don't shave against hair growth

When you pull the blade in the opposite direction to the growth of the bristles, you are pulling roughly on the hairs. This leads to skin irritation. It will be the stronger, the more abruptly and hastily you worked with the machine.

Therefore, guide the razor slowly and carefully in the direction in which your hair is growing.

Only shave when you really need to

The procedure only makes sense if the hair has had time to grow back. Otherwise, working with the machine will only lead to skin irritation.

What to do if irritation after shaving still appears

The procedure is the same as for any other small burn, such as sunburn.

  1. Cool your skin. You can simply wash with cool water or apply a cold compress - a wet cloth.
  2. Moisten the treated area. Apply a moisturizer or aftershave gel to chilled skin. These products contain ingredients that, among other things, reduce irritation.
  3. Wait. It takes time for the skin to heal. It can be several hours or a couple of days. Don't shave again until the irritation is gone.

This material was first published in July 2017. In October 2021, we updated the text.
