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How to rent an apartment if you have a pet
How to rent an apartment if you have a pet

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How to rent an apartment if you have a pet
How to rent an apartment if you have a pet

In announcements for the delivery of apartments, there is often a requirement: no animals. Homeowners can be understood: they want the tenant to leave the property in the same condition as when moving in, and therefore try to minimize the risks.

Animals are, of course, unnecessarily demonized. Some can be truly destructive, while others can be well-mannered. Just like people. Needless to say, sometimes tenants without children and animals spoil the apartment more than any zoo.

Nevertheless, the problem remains: it is difficult to rent a house even with a harmless corgi. But there are a few life hacks that will simplify the process.

1. Rate the impression your animal makes

Not all pets are equally scary in the eyes of landlords. For example, the fish will scare few people. They can be loyal to those who constantly live in cages, or to tiny dogs. Most intimidating will be cats (sharpening their claws), large dogs (size associated with the scale of potential destruction) and exotic animals (unusual frightening).

Accordingly, the more damage the owner of the apartment expects from the pet, the more difficult it will be to persuade him and the more guarantees will have to be given in order to rent a house.

2. Don't hide the animal

The moment when you tell about the pet, choose yourself. Some report at the first conversation so as not to waste time looking at the apartment. Others put it off to the last, hoping that with the help of charm they will convince the owner.

But it is not worth deceiving and settling in with the thought that everything will be formed by itself. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a situation where you have to urgently look for another apartment and lose your deposit.

3. Get the support of a past landlord

If the animal did not appear suddenly, then you already lived somewhere with it. It is worth discussing in advance with the past landlord whether he is ready to talk with his potential successor or in some other way confirm that your pet has not destroyed the apartment and you have complied with all agreements.

4. Offer to increase your insurance deposit

A deposit is taken in case the tenant disappears, leaving behind the destruction. It is assumed that this amount can be eliminated. But animals are expected to be much more injured than humans. Therefore, the landlord may be afraid that the amount will simply not be enough.

To address this concern, a larger security deposit can be offered. In the end, if the animal really doesn't hurt anything, the money will return to you.

5. Write down in the contract the obligation to repair the damage

The lease agreement exists in order to prescribe all the nuances there. For example, how many animals will live and which ones. And it can also indicate the obligation to eliminate all the destruction caused to the animals: re-glue the torn wallpaper, replace the upholstery of upholstered furniture, and so on.

At the same time, it is important to carefully describe all the damage that was present before infestation, so that they are not hung on your dog or cat. Additionally, it is worth arranging a detailed photo session.

6. Offer cleaning and dry cleaning upon checkout

The tenants leave their homes in different forms: some lick them to sterility, others leave them as they are. Owners do not want to deal with possible dirt left behind by animals, and especially odor.

Therefore, discuss adding a cleaning and dry cleaning clause to the lease. If professionals are involved, they will cope with all possible problems.

7. Arrange for inspections by the owner

If the landlord has no experience of renting out to people with pets, the person can present as gruesome pictures as the imagination allows. Especially frightening is the inability to control what is happening in the apartment.

Offer the owner more frequent checks. For example, once a month he can come in person, and every Thursday you send photos and videos of the most vulnerable places. Naturally, the condition also needs to be spelled out in the contract in order to avoid abuse.

8. Discuss anti-vandal changes

Sometimes minor and reversible improvements can prevent serious damage. For example, the owner is afraid that the cat will leave puffs on the curtains. But you can put the master's textiles in the closet and hang your own.
