Table of contents:

How to store onions correctly
How to store onions correctly

Scientists will help us in this.

How to store onions so they don't go bad
How to store onions so they don't go bad

Choose an onion that keeps better

Some bulbs deteriorate quickly, while others can sit for several months without any problems and not lose their freshness and taste. Here's what to do when sorting:

  1. Choose late varieties … They ripen in August – September and are best stored.
  2. Give preference to yellow bulbs … Reds or whites deteriorate faster.
  3. Pay attention to appearance … The bulbs should be small (3-5 centimeters in diameter), dense, with dry, smooth, even, well-fitting scales. If there is damage, sprouted green shoots, roots, and even more mold or white bloom, this is a marriage. Such a vegetable will not only quickly deteriorate on its own, but will also damage neighboring healthy bulbs.

Find the right storage space

Agro experts have long figured out the conditions under which onions are the best to preserve their nutritional value and freshness. The ideal location should be cool, not too humid, dark and well ventilated. This will prevent the bulbs from sprouting or spoiling.

Scientifically based options for a suitable temperature are as follows:

  • 4 ° C … One study found that in this case, the root vegetable retains its nutritional properties best.
  • 1 ° C … At this temperature, green shoots do not appear longer.

Instructions from practitioners are slightly different. So, experts from the American National Onion Association recommend maintaining the storage temperature in the region of 7-13 ° C.

As for the humidity of the air, the advice is more straightforward: it should be within the range of 65–70%. Under these conditions, the bulbs will not start to rot, but will remain juicy. To determine humidity, you can use a special device -.

The moisture should be monitored especially carefully if potatoes and other root vegetables (carrots, beets, celery) are stored next to the onions. They release moisture.

With this information in mind, a list of suitable storage locations can be compiled. True, it will be possible to provide ideal conditions only in specially equipped rooms, so you have to look for a compromise.

Closed balcony, basement, cellar, unheated garage

In such places, the temperature is suitable for storing onions. But keep in mind that, for example, the basement or cellar may be too humid. Pay attention to this and install a dehumidifier if necessary.


It is best to store onions in the so-called freshness zone - the coldest place in the main compartment, where the temperature is maintained around 0-1 ° C.

However, the refrigerator has a number of disadvantages. First, due to temperature differences caused by opening the door, condensation may form on the food. This leads to an increase in humidity. In such conditions, the onion should be wrapped in paper. Secondly, the refrigerator is hermetically sealed, and the air flow inside its compartments is impeded. Therefore, it is difficult to provide the necessary ventilation.

Household wardrobe

Room temperature is not very suitable for long-term storage of onions. If you still settled on this particular option, make sure that the air humidity is not too high. This will reduce the risk that the bulbs will start to rot or sprout.

Prepare the container

The vegetable must "breathe" in it, that is, have access to fresh air.

Onions cannot be kept in plastic bags because they are breathable.

Wicker baskets, nylon stockings or tights, special nets, wooden boxes or cardboard boxes with ventilation holes on the sides are well suited for storage. Cloth bags are also suitable, just keep in mind that the height of onion stocks should not exceed 30 centimeters - otherwise the bottom layer will "suffocate".

Sort the onions and ventilate the room

Even if you have provided your root crops with ideal storage conditions, sort the crop at least once a month. This will accomplish two tasks:

  • You will be able to spot and discard rotting or sprouting vegetables in time so that they do not spoil the rest.
  • Shake the onion and let it breathe.

Also, remember to ventilate the room or closet that stores supplies. Experts recommend doing this at least once every 2-3 weeks.
