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10 tricks to boost your productivity in one minute
10 tricks to boost your productivity in one minute

For some tricks, you may need a timer, gum, and your baby photo.

10 tricks to boost your productivity in one minute
10 tricks to boost your productivity in one minute

1. Think about the most important task of the day

When you wake up in the morning, do not pick up your phone to check messages or social networks. Instead, ask yourself this question: "What is one thing important for me to do today?" It's a simple and effective way to focus on the most important task and build your day to get it right.

If it is impossible to limit yourself to one thing, make a list according to the 1-3-5 system. It should include one large problem, three medium ones and five small ones.

2. Eat something for breakfast that pleases you

It's good if it is something useful, but if today you need a piece of cake, do not deny yourself. In any case, try to enjoy your food without being distracted by your phone or thinking about work. Enjoy the moment and everything else in your life.

This is a three-in-one exercise: you enjoy delicious food, exercise mindfulness, and experience gratitude at the same time. All of this will have a positive effect on productivity.

3. Turn off notifications

According to researchers from Microsoft, while working at a computer, the average user is distracted every 40 seconds. Not surprising when you consider how many different notifications and messages we receive throughout the day.

Turn them off when you need to focus on something. In addition, you can also block sites that you usually want to distract from.

4. Say positive affirmations

Repeating self-critical thoughts over and over again, we begin to believe them. Gradually, our motivation decreases and our self-confidence weakens. Use positive affirmations instead of self-criticism. Especially when you feel that productivity is falling. They have been shown to reduce stress and improve problem-solving ability.

Here are a couple of examples: "I will make today successful", "I am capable of a lot", "I never give up."

5. Turn on the Pomodoro timer

According to this technique, you break your work into intervals: work 25 minutes, then rest for five minutes. And after four cycles, take a longer break of 15 minutes.

This way, you keep yourself from burning out and help deal with distractions by making sure you pay attention to them in advance during the break.

6. Have a short meditation

With regular practice, it reduces stress, improves emotional well-being, and develops the ability to concentrate.

Moreover, you can meditate anywhere. Take just a couple of minutes to do this and you will feel calmer and more ready to get back to work.

7. Clean up the workplace

When the desk and the computer are tidy, it’s easier to work. And from the cluttered space, on the contrary, anxiety arises, and it is more difficult to find the right thing.

Make it a rule to clean your desk (both physical and digital) every day. Throw away the accumulated garbage, put everything in its place, close unnecessary tabs. It will take a minute, but you will immediately feel the effect.

8. Snack or chew gum

Instead of eating sweets or junk food, it’s better to eat something healthy for the brain, such as blueberries, fatty fish, nuts, or avocados. And to feel more active and invigorated, inhale the scent of citrus fruits.

If nothing like this is at hand, just chew the gum. This will allow more oxygen to flow to the attention-related parts of the brain, making it easier for you to focus.

9. Look at your old photo

For example, in a picture where you are five or fifteen years old. Think back to what you have accomplished since then, and think about what else you can do to make you in the past be proud of yourself. This will create a new burst of motivation.

10. Change your work environment

If you feel that productivity has dropped, try changing something in the environment. For example, work while standing at a table, not sitting, move from a noisy room to a quieter one, or, conversely, arrange an office in a cafe. Even a small change will help you become significantly more productive.
