Table of contents:

What health problems do you need to give up sports?
What health problems do you need to give up sports?

Don't be afraid to move. Sometimes this is the best thing you can do.

What health problems do you need to give up sports?
What health problems do you need to give up sports?

Often people stop training or are afraid to start because of some illness, believing that sports are only for the young and healthy.

At the same time, WHO continues to insist on 150-300 minutes of cardio activity and two strength training per week. And scientific research has consistently shown that exercise saves from dangerous pathologies, prolongs life and helps improve its quality in case of serious health problems.

Of course, in the presence of diseases, you need to choose the type and intensity of the load with a doctor. And also it should be borne in mind that the opinions of different doctors may not coincide. If one has banned you from exercising, another may suggest an appropriate exercise program to help you recover faster and feel better.

Below we list the conditions in which physical activity is not only not prohibited, but also recommended.

High blood pressure

Blood pressure is considered to be elevated at 140 to 90 mm Hg. Art. If the tonometer produces such values on two separate days, the diagnosis is made "hypertension".

Since this is a serious medical condition that can damage the heart, brain and other organs, the diagnosis can deter a person from exercising. Moreover, in the process of activity, the pressure rises, and this sometimes leads to headaches, dizziness and tinnitus.

However, if you choose the right intensity of exercise, training not only does not harm, but can also stop the progress of the disease and reverse pathological processes.

For example, hypertension often causes an increase in left ventricular mass and wall thickening, which increases the risk of heart failure and death. One study found that in the first stage of this disease, regular exercise can help prevent changes in the ventricle. In another experiment, 4 months of cardio exercises completely reduced its mass.

Almost any workout has a beneficial effect on blood pressure - regardless of the mode, intensity, frequency of exercise, as well as gender and age of the person. But at the same time, cardio works a little better than power ones.

In hypertensive patients who are not taking medication, aerobic exercise reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 7, 4, and 5.8 mm Hg. Art., and for those who are helped by pills - by 2, 6 and 1, 8 mm Hg. Art.

At the same time, a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure by only 2 mm Hg. Art. reduces the risk of stroke by 14% and 17%, respectively, and coronary heart disease by 9 and 6%.

For mild hypertension, 1 is recommended.

2. Perform a combination of aerobic and strength exercises:

  1. Cardio - 30-60 minutes a day at a pulse rate of 40-60% of the maximum heart rate (HRmax).
  2. Strength - two or three times a week, 8-10 exercises for the main muscle groups. Two to three sets of 10-12 reps with 60-80% of the one-rep maximum (1RM).

People with the second stage of hypertension are also not prohibited from exercising, if approved by the doctor. Also, before starting, you will need to undergo stress testing and obtain suitable pharmacological support.

Any exercise is prohibited only in really dangerous conditions, such as:

  • recent myocardial infarction;
  • changes in electrocardiography;
  • complete heart block;
  • acute heart failure;
  • unstable angina;
  • uncontrolled severe hypertension (more than 180/110 mm Hg).

Type 2 diabetes

With type 2 diabetes, people may fear physical activity due to the risk of hypoglycemia. Since increased exercise lowers blood sugar levels, you may not be able to calculate and arrive at this state right in the middle of class.

But if you take this into account and not overdo it with intensity, training will only be beneficial.

A Cochrane Review of 14 scientific studies found that exercise improves the body's response to insulin, lowers blood lipids, improves sugar control, and has no side effects. Moreover, positive changes occur even without weight loss.

An analysis of 12 scientific studies found that cardio training was slightly more effective than strength training for lowering blood sugar, and a review of 37 studies concluded that the best health outcomes can be obtained by combining aerobic and strength training.

Moreover, it does not matter what type of resistance work you choose: you will work with a heavy barbell 10-12 times in the approach or perform lighter exercises 25-30 times.

In an experiment with 32 people with type 2 diabetes, both types of workouts are equally good at helping you lose weight, build muscle, and improve glycemic control. At least if you combine them with cardio loads twice a week and exercise regularly.


Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition of the airways with symptoms including coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.

Because vigorous exercise causes shortness of breath, people with asthma may fear familiar discomforts, avoid exercise, and even be disgusted with them.

At the same time, aerobic exercise helps to improve the condition of the heart and lungs, increase the maximum oxygen consumption and positively affect the muscles of the respiratory tract.

In an analysis of 11 studies with data from 543 asthmatics, 8–12 weeks of aerobic exercise - walking, light jogging, and other options - improved disease control and slightly improved lung function.

Another review found exercise had a positive impact on quality of life, improved exercise tolerance, and improved lung health.

And in one experiment, six months of cardio and strength training three times a week improved asthma control by 23% and reduced shortness of breath by 30%.

In addition, regular exercise can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can also have beneficial effects on the course of the disease.

Back pain

Low back pain is one of the most common problems of the musculoskeletal system, which interferes with a full life and in 90% of cases has no specific diagnosis.

Discomfort in the back can make people stop exercising and reduce physical activity to a minimum. This is a big mistake as exercise is one of the proven methods to improve the condition of the lower back.

In a meta-analysis, 39 scientific papers noted that strength training and a series of movements aimed at developing coordination and stabilizing the lower back are most effective for chronic back pain.

Another analysis, 89 studies, concluded that cardio exercise can also improve back health. Scientists also noted the effectiveness of stabilization exercises - holding postures and smooth movements for balance, strengthening the muscles of the core and back.

There is also a study in which eight weeks of similar training significantly strengthened the extensors of the lower back and reduced pain levels.

Moreover, exercise can help even with a herniated disc - one of the most common causes of back problems. A hernia disrupts the normal bending of the lower back, weakens and stiffens muscles, and causes instability of the sacroiliac joint. And all this is accompanied by severe pain.

To restore muscle tone, you can perform a series of special stabilization movements, as well as resistance training.

In one experiment, 60 patients of different ages (22–55 years old) with a hernia of four or five lumbar vertebrae underwent a program to strengthen muscles and stabilize the body for a month.

The list of movements included the usual exercises with body weight: simultaneous lifting of opposite arms and legs on all fours, gluteal bridge, raising arms and legs while lying on the stomach, lunges and other elements.

After four weeks of training, the participants felt much less pain. And also - they began to better perform the usual everyday tasks, such as climbing stairs or lifting to their feet from a prone position.

If your condition permits, you can do gentle, fluid exercises to relieve pain, such as tilting your pelvis back while lying on your back or contracting your gluteus muscles without moving.

When the pain ceases to be felt, you can move on to more intense movements, but it is better if, at least in the first stages of recovery, you practice under the supervision of a rehabilitation therapist or physiotherapist.


Arthrosis, or osteoarthritis, is a disease in which the cartilage that covers the bones of the joint and prevents them from rubbing against each other is thinned and destroyed. As a result, the joint swells, hurts, and moves worse.

Arthrosis makes life very difficult. People do not understand where the pain comes from, what causes it and how to deal with it. Over time, this leads to the fact that a person begins to avoid any physical activity, quits training and tries to move as little as possible in everyday life.

At the same time, proper exercise not only protects against further cartilage breakdown, but also helps relieve soreness, range of motion and increase the functionality of the unhealthy joint.

A review of studies on the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee found that exercise reduced pain and improved function of affected joints by an average of 6%, and increased patient confidence in themselves and their capabilities.

An analysis of 26 high-quality studies found strength training to be great for fighting osteoarthritis. Resistance training significantly relieves pain, expands physical capabilities, and improves quality of life.

A review of eight scientific papers also concluded that strength training is most effective in relieving pain, at least in the short term. However, here scientists have noted that aerobic movement will also be beneficial.

A combination of different types of training is perhaps most effective. In a large analysis of 60 scientific papers, it was concluded that a combination of strength and aerobic stretching exercises is the most effective for relieving pain and improving joint function.

Oncological diseases

A survey of 662 cancer patients from hospitals in Philadelphia found that the majority (71%) had decreased physical activity after diagnosis.

67% of respondents reported difficulties with motivation, 65% reported problems with maintaining discipline. Of the physical obstacles, the main ones were feelings of fatigue (78%) and pain (71%) associated with cancer treatment.

At the same time, oncological diseases do not put an end to training. What's more, exercise can help address the underlying causes of decreased physical activity.

An analysis of 10 studies showed that strength and cardio training can help combat feelings of fatigue, pain, insomnia, and shortness of breath.

Two other reviews of scientific papers have confirmed that exercise helps to overcome weakness, improve fitness and quality of life. The participants in these studies were women with breast cancer and men with prostate cancer.

Since some types of cancer require extra caution during physical activity, the specific training regimen and intensity should be chosen with your doctor, especially if you have:

  • diseases associated with the heart or lungs;
  • stoma;
  • acute fatigue;
  • problems with a sense of balance.

These states do not necessarily exclude loads. For example, if you have problems with balance, you can do cardio on an exercise bike.


Exercise is probably the last thing a person thinks about when depressed. In the meantime, research shows that physical activity is an effective way to combat this mental disorder.

Scientists still do not know what the beneficial effects of exercise are related to. Potential mechanisms include:

  • an increase in the temperature of certain areas of the brain, which has a relaxing effect;
  • increased release of beta-endorphins associated with good mood and feelings of well-being;
  • an increase in the number of neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine (with depression they become less);
  • switching from your gloomy thoughts to the outside world;
  • increased self-confidence;
  • activation of growth and increase in the survival of new nerve cells.

When it comes to the type of training and the amount of exercise, research data are conflicting. For example, in a meta-analysis of 25 scientific papers, it was concluded that moderate to high-intensity aerobic exercise was the best.

Authors of two other reviews 1.


concluded that the greatest effect is provided by light cardio loads in combination with strength and stretching.

An analysis of 33 scientific papers showed that strength training works well, moreover, those that last less than 45 minutes are best.

It is clear that for a person in depression and without experience of sports activity, even 30-40 minutes of regular physical activity may seem an impossible task.

Therefore, to begin with, you can enter three lessons per week for 20 minutes. Choose an activity that is enjoyable and work at a moderate intensity to keep your heart rate between 60% and 80% of your maximum heart rate, enough to significantly reduce your symptoms of depression.

As you get used to training, you can increase the volume of loads to the recommended norm.
