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Leveling Up: Simple Exercises for Chic Cardio
Leveling Up: Simple Exercises for Chic Cardio

Build up your stamina in 20 minutes of work.

Leveling Up: Simple Exercises for Chic Cardio
Leveling Up: Simple Exercises for Chic Cardio

In 4 laps of this workout, you will burn no less calories than in the same running time. Perhaps more.

By alternating between short, intense periods with long periods of quiet work, you will move at a high heart rate, but at the same time be able to do without rest.

In addition, the exercises of the complex will pump the muscles of the hips and buttocks, load the shoulders and abs well.

How to do a workout

The complex consists of four minute intervals, each of which includes two exercises:

  1. Running with a high hip lift + running in place.
  2. Burpee with a high jump + exit to the lying position and rise.
  3. Jump Squat + Forward Kick Air Squat.
  4. Rock climber + swing bar.

You perform the first exercise for 15 seconds and try to do as many repetitions as possible, the second movement you do the remaining 45 seconds at a calm pace.

Perform one lap, rest 30-60 seconds if necessary, and start over. Make 4 circles.

How to do the exercises

Running with a high hip lift

Bend your elbows at right angles and try to reach your palms with your knees. Run on half-toes and maintain a vigorous pace.

Running in place

Run relaxed in place, regaining your breath.

Burpee with a high jump

At the lowest point, touch the floor with your chest and hips, after straightening, jump high, while pulling your knees closer to your chest. Aim to complete at least five reps in 15 seconds.

Exit to the lying position and rise

Calmly stand up in an emphasis lying, jump closer to your arms and straighten up. If you run out of strength, you can not make a jump to your arms, but substitute your legs in turn. This will slow you down and allow you to breathe again.

Jump squats

When squatting, try not to lift your heels off the floor and keep your back straight. It is not necessary to jump high, the main thing is to work intensively and not linger at the extreme points.

Forward kick air squats

Alternate air squats with kicks. It is not necessary to hit hard and lift your leg high, especially if you have tight muscles on the back of your thigh. Work with whatever range you are capable of.

Rock climber

Tighten your abs so that your lower back does not fall down. Work vigorously, trying to do as many reps as possible.

Swing bar

Get down on your forearms, tighten your abs. Swing forward and backward in a small range, watch the lower back - it should not bend.
