Table of contents:

Leveling up: 5 exercises to prevent the "wooden" body
Leveling up: 5 exercises to prevent the "wooden" body

A strength and flexibility complex that won't leave you breathless.

Leveling up: 5 exercises to prevent the "wooden" body
Leveling up: 5 exercises to prevent the "wooden" body

In this workout, there are almost no jumps, burpees and other elements of cardio. But there is a lot of work on muscle strength and elasticity. In 20 minutes of training, you will properly load your hips and buttocks, force your core muscles to work, and stretch your shoulders well. I promise it will be nice.

How to do a workout

The complex includes five exercises:

  1. "Dance of the Predator".
  2. Leaning back on the knees and stretching the shoulders.
  3. Changing the position of the chair and the dog facing down and up.
  4. The rise of the body and the "scorpion".
  5. Seated Leg Raises and Reverse Plank Exit.

Do each movement for a minute and immediately move on to the next. Don't worry: the movements are designed to rest certain muscle groups while others work.

In addition, due to the stretching elements, you will not choke and will be able to train without interruption. Try to do so, but if you still need to take a breath, just stop at the moment when your strength is over, wait until the end of the minute and start the next element.

Below we will take a closer look at the ligaments of movements and show how to simplify difficult moments.

How to do exercise

1. Dance of the predator

Jump into a squat with your arms spread wide. Keep your back straight, lower your shoulders and open your chest. If you run out of strength before the end of the minute, just take longer pauses at the top of the movement.

2. Leaning back on the knees and stretching the shoulders

Get on your knees, bring your hands behind your back, interlace your fingers in the lock. Lower your shoulder blades and shoulders, stretching your chest. Pull in your stomach, tighten your glutes, and swing back, keeping your body straight. Get down as far as you can.

Come back and, without disengaging your hands, bend forward and lower your stomach on your hips, while raising your arms up. Stretch your shoulders gently, trying to direct your arms forward, but don't overdo it.

3. Changing the position of the chair and dog face down and up

Stand straight (legs together) and lower yourself into a shallow squat, raising your straight arms above your head - this is a chair pose. From it, move your hands to the floor and jump with your feet back - to the support position.

Then push your pelvis up and back, lower your chest and head down, straighten your arms and legs - this is a downward dog pose. Keep your back straight - from the tailbone to the neck. If it pulls under your knees, bend them and lift your heels off the floor.

After that, lower your hips to the floor and pull your chest towards the ceiling, arching in your back - this is the upward dog pose. Enter the position smoothly so as not to injure the lower back. Feel your belly stretch.

From this position again return to the "dog face down", make a jump to the arms and come out into the chair pose from which the ligament began. Continue in the same sequence, swiping in the positions for 1–2 seconds.

4. Raising the body and "scorpion"

Lie on the floor on your stomach, straighten your legs and spread your arms to your sides so that your body resembles a cross. Raise all limbs as high as possible, direct your gaze to the floor in front of you, tighten your buttocks.

Spend a couple of seconds in the pose, then lower yourself back to the floor, bend your right knee, turn your body to the right, and touch the floor with your right toe on the left side of your body. Feel the left shoulder stretch.

Return to your stomach and repeat the ligament first on the other side.

5. Raising the legs while sitting and going to the reverse plank

Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you, palms pressed to the floor next to your hips. Tear your straight legs off the floor as high as possible, lower them back, slide your feet forward and go out into the reverse plank.

Squeeze your buttocks, try to stretch your body in one straight line. Direct your gaze to the wall behind you. Return to a sitting position and repeat the ligament.

If the reverse plank does not work for you, try replacing it with a table pose. After raising your legs while sitting, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor, and only then lift your pelvis off the floor and get into position. Also, tense your glutes so that your body is in a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.

Hold in position for a couple of seconds, lower yourself to the floor and repeat from the beginning.
