Table of contents:

Leveling up: 5 exercises for the iron press. And no twists
Leveling up: 5 exercises for the iron press. And no twists

20 minutes of exercise for strong muscles and a perfect sense of balance.

Leveling up: 5 exercises for the iron press. And no twists
Leveling up: 5 exercises for the iron press. And no twists

This complex includes five bundles of movements with elements to develop strength, balance, agility and flexibility. All exercises are performed at a calm pace, smoothly and under control, so that, despite the interval format, you will not be gasping for air and sweating.

Given the low intensity, you will not spend a lot of calories, but you will pump your core and hips muscles well and learn to control your body a little better.

How to do a workout

The complex consists of the following movements:

  1. Squats on one leg.
  2. Flips from the abdomen to the back lying down.
  3. "Star" in the side bar.
  4. Abduction of arms and legs, lying on the back.
  5. Entering the warrior pose.

Perform each link for one minute, and then move on to the next. There is no rest between exercises, but due to the low intensity of movements, you will not need it.

When you finish the last exercise, take a minute to rest and start over. Complete three circles.

You can turn on the video and do with me or start your own timer.

Below we will show you how to do all of the exercises and show you how to simplify movements that can be difficult.

How to make movements

Squats on one leg

During the “pistols”, make sure that the knee of the supporting leg does not turn inward, and the heel does not come off the floor. When doing squats, do not round your lower back.

If the "pistols" are not yet given to you, try this exercise next to the support - stick to it while lifting. Another option is “pistols” in a limited range. You sit down on a chair and get out of it on one leg.

Flips from the abdomen to the back lying

Alternate between pulling your knees to your chest and flipping. Perform movements smoothly and under control, exclude jerking and swinging.

"Star" in the side bar

Raise an arm and leg in the side plank at the elbow, then roll over to the other side over a straight plank and repeat the same. Try to align your body and keep your pelvis in line with your legs and back without dropping it.

Abduction of hands and feet while lying

Lie on your back, bend your legs, lift your shoulder blades off the floor and bring your elbows and knees together. At the same time, straighten the arm and leg of the same name, return it back and repeat on the other side.

Keep your feet off the floor and keep your abs taut for the rest of the exercise.

Entering the warrior pose

Lift the bent knee up, then straighten the hip while straightening the leg and tilting the body with a straight back. Extend your arms over your head so that they form one straight line with the body and leg. Lock the pose for 1-2 seconds, then return to the starting position, change legs and repeat on the other side.

If you lose your balance, do the exercise next to something like the back of a stable chair or a wall. Stand at arm's length and adhere to while tilting the body.

Share your workout experience. What was the hardest exercise?
