Universal Paperclips - The Perfect Time Killer About Staple Making
Universal Paperclips - The Perfect Time Killer About Staple Making

In this browser game, you have to go from a simple entrepreneur to a paper clip tycoon and ultimately destroy humanity.

Universal Paperclips starts with you picking the cost of one paperclip and clicking furiously on the Produce Paperclip button. At the same time, you are observing the demand for paper clips in the market.

Soon, the possibilities are expanding significantly: various accessories become available, and the screen is more and more filled with graphs, numbers and buttons. All of them need to be constantly monitored and constantly pressed on something. So the game turns into a real time killer and completely ceases to be like what it was in the beginning.

Universal paperclips
Universal paperclips

It's funny that no matter how long and effectively you play Universal Paperclips, no matter how you ignore the game, closing the browser tab, the result is always the same: artificial intelligence is wiping humanity off the face of the Earth.

The game from game designer Frank Lantz is a clear demonstration of the idea of the philosopher Nick Bostrom (Nick Bostrom) about what happens if computers become superintelligent.

Universal Paperclips →
