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Work vs personal life: how to find balance?
Work vs personal life: how to find balance?

When you work hard, your personal life suffers. If you work too little, your personal life also suffers, because problems begin at work. Whatever one may say, but balance is difficult to find and work is in any case an integral part of this vicious circle.


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It is even more difficult to balance if the work has fallen on hard times (filing reports, many tenders, etc.) or you decide to start your own business. Those who work for themselves know very well that sometimes you have to forget about weekends, holidays and vacations for a year, if not longer. And if we do not know how to properly talk with our soul mates about our work, problems also appear in our personal lives. Internal torment will not help here, but will only aggravate an already difficult situation. What to do? Psychologist Rachel Sasman gives three simple tips that will help save not only your personal life, but also your job. So are there happy and busy families?

There are. It's just that, as in any relationship, in a work-family relationship, the main thing is to talk to each other about everything. It is much easier to prevent resentment or quarrel than to disentangle it later.

Warn in advance of "hard times"

It is extremely rare that these most difficult times never end. If this is true, then it's time to think about changing jobs. Tell your partner that during such and such a period you will be practically unavailable, as there will be a lot of work to be done, because you have: a reporting period, a profitable tender, a new project launch, a “hot period” in your industry, and the like. At the same time, you should not just confront the fact: “Sorry, dear, I have a reporting period. You can't turn me over from such and such to such and such. Because the second person also has a job and other, equally important things. Otherwise, it will look as if you absolutely do not care about your soul mate and her affairs, and will cause enough negativity to detonate the main charge.

It is better to sit down together and calmly discuss the upcoming business, at the same time thinking about how you can make this time at least a little more pleasant. One head it's good, but two better.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

Even though my mother kept telling me that if I worked with my husband, we would quickly become bored with each other and all the working squabbles would be transferred to our personal lives. Sometimes this is true, but if you maintain a balance and separate your personal life and work, everything can be much more interesting, rosy and promising. In the end, are we really worse than the Italians, who had a cozy family restaurant passed down from generation to generation and the whole family worked in it? Why is there "earlier"! This is still happening in small towns. And they work there not because it is accepted or forced, but because they like it.

The majority, for some reason, believe that it is better not to burden your soul mate with work worries, they say, "the less you know, you sleep better." In fact, it often happens exactly the opposite. Because when you see your loved one tired, angry and silent, it becomes sad and heavy in your soul. Because you want to help, but you don't know how. And you begin carefully, as if stepping through a minefield, asking what and how. Of course, pouring out all the negativity at once is also not worth it, but it is still better to share what really hurt. You look, you will get practical advice that will help you solve the problem. And when a person is involved in the same business with you, he begins to understand how much work still needs to be done and will not be offended and will try to help in any way he can.

If you work in different jobs, the main thing is not to forget that your half may have difficulties or blockage at work (or around the house with small children). And your wife or husband also sometimes needs therapy and help.

Don't forget the nice little things

“The devil is in the details” in this case, we can paraphrase and say that “the devil is in the details”. Yes, you are busy. You are very busy. So busy you don't even keep track of the time. And no one asks to call every hour and lisp on the phone or drop everything and run home at exactly 18:00. At least one SMS or call is enough to make your soul mate understand what you love, remember and miss. You seem to be pinging each other - "Hi, I missed you!" - "Hi, I was just thinking about you!" Relationships need to be fed, otherwise they will simply wither away from hunger. And that certainly won't help your work in any way. Because it is in any case temporary, but there are no temporary families. It's like renting children. Have a picnic in the park next to work, or meet together for lunch at a cafe. If you have one day off a week, try to spend it with your family the way you would like. And even if the weather is not conducive to festivities, felting together on the couch, baking and eating cookies while watching family movies are sometimes very useful too;)

Don't forget about your loved ones. Have a conversation. Share your ideas and thoughts. And you will see, they will definitely fly, because the support of loved ones is the strongest.
