"Atomic method" of creating presentations
"Atomic method" of creating presentations

Briefly and clearly from Seth Godin on how to create the right presentations, the essence of which will fully reach the addressee.

Atomic method of creating presentations
Atomic method of creating presentations

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On average, a person speaks 10 to 12 sentences per minute. Following the atomic method of creating presentations, you must prepare one slide for each sentence. If your presentation is 5 minutes long, then you should have 50 slides.

Each slide should carry only one idea, or one image, or one word.

Do all 50 slides, try to disassemble each concept into smallest atoms. If after that the idea is not worthy of the slide, discard it.

After you've got 50 slides, practice speaking them. Remove those slides that don't add value to your presentation or move you forward.

And only after that start putting the slides together. If two, three, or even four slides can work together, combine them into one and move on. Now you have molecules from atoms.

After you've done your work, you can get rid of the slides, leave them as they are, or combine them again to create a larger idea. But please, no bulleted lists are a waste of time!
