15 phrases that kill your creativity
15 phrases that kill your creativity
15 phrases that kill your creativity
15 phrases that kill your creativity

Creativity, creativity, creativity … We very often hear this word in different versions and for a variety of reasons. And what exactly is creativity? The omniscient Wikipedia tells us that:

Got it, right? An innate feature that most of us lose under the influence of upbringing and the influence of the surrounding society. What are these “social practices” that kill the creators in us?

This is what we are going to talk about now.

There is no need to prove for a long time that creativity is an innate quality of all people - just observe the games and behavior of young children. There is also no doubt that the creative ability of most people then disappears somewhere. Some people somehow manage to maintain and even develop this property and sometimes it becomes their most important competitive advantage. But much more often bright people with out-of-the-box thinking feel pressure from the gray majority, striving to put the "black sheep" in the ranks of their own kind.

We have collected for you 15 of the most common phrases, which at once etch out the remaining sprouts of creativity from us. Never say them to yourself, and if you hear from someone - run!

1. "We are not paying you for creativity!"

2. "You have to follow the rules"

3. "Don't ask questions"

4. "Don't rock the boat"

5. "Stay within boundaries"

6. "This is just nonsense."

7. "It's not practical."

8. "You have to be serious."

9. "Think about your reputation!"

10. "Nobody has done this before."

11. "It's impossible"

12. "We Can't Take This Risk"

13. "Well, how will we make money on this?"

14. "You Can't Cope"

15. "Everything has been invented for a long time."

Anyone anywhere can be creative. Accountants, engineers, carpenters, football players and waiters - it doesn't matter. Naturally, some professions imply more freedom, others less. But whoever you were, you have the right to be creative and innovative.

Despite the fact that creativity implies breaking the usual rules and going beyond the established boundaries, this in no way means denial for the sake of denial. The goal of any creativity should be to create a new product, phenomenon, idea that will make the world a better place, and breaking the rules is just a means to an end. If all people followed established traditions, then there would never have been rock and roll, the iPhone, the flight to the moon and the Internet. Creators only do that they violate boundaries.

Do not listen to bores, create!
