GHeight for iOS measures your height and compares to celebrities
GHeight for iOS measures your height and compares to celebrities

The program works pretty well. Try it yourself.

GHeight for iOS measures your height and compares to celebrities
GHeight for iOS measures your height and compares to celebrities

ARKit's augmented reality tool opens up new possibilities for developers to create really interesting apps. One of these is GHeight. It can measure height using an iPhone or iPad camera.

GHeight works quite simply:

  1. Point the camera at the surface where you are standing.
  2. Put the phone on your head and wait for the signal.
  3. Look at the result.
GHeight: measuring growth
GHeight: measuring growth

The measurement result may surprise you: the program does determine the height quite accurately, but in general it all depends on the surface under your feet.

GHeight: waiting for a signal
GHeight: waiting for a signal
GHeight: result
GHeight: result

In addition to measurements, GHeight has another interesting feature: your height is compared to that of celebrities. All indicators can be saved so as not to forget your height when new or old acquaintances ask you about it again.

On the ProductHunt portal, the developer handed out several promotional codes for the full version of the program. Hurry up and maybe you will have time to pick up another free code.
