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Celebrity networking: how to meet celebrities
Celebrity networking: how to meet celebrities

Respect boundaries, be yourself, and never ask for an autograph.

Celebrity networking: how to meet celebrities
Celebrity networking: how to meet celebrities

You will rub yourself near a good person like a copper penny on silver, and then you will go for a two-kopeck one yourself.

Maksim Gorky

People look not only at your accomplishments, but also at your surroundings. “Tell me who your friend is” is a timeless principle for evaluating a personal brand. But if you are just at the start of your journey, how do you start meeting famous people?

Check out the announcements of upcoming events. Many exhibitions that open up urban spaces are usually available to the general public. For example, at the opening of New Holland a few years ago in St. Petersburg, the townspeople could get acquainted with Roman Abramovich. You can accidentally find yourself next to a celebrity, for example, on an airplane or a restaurant, or purposefully build a dating strategy. One way or another, you need to be ready for this meeting at any time. This is not as difficult as it might seem.

Many celebrities generally disown the stigma of popularity - and you can play on that. Treat communication without excessive aspiration and pathos. The happiest moment for a celebrity is when no one recognizes her in everyday life.

So, I'll tell you how to meet famous people.

5 rules for dating celebrities

1. Don't steal popularity

Ask for nothing, no free counters, no phones. If you want to continue the conversation, do not ask for autographs and joint selfies. It looks like you want to bite off some fame. Use the first few minutes of your acquaintance to show that you are an interesting person.

2. Be curious

If you meet an opera singer, in no case say that you also sang in the school choir. This will devalue the achievements of the counterpart. On the contrary, show that you understand little about it. People love to share knowledge.

3. Take your time

Imagine a Ferris wheel. It moves without stopping, and in order to ride, you need to enter the vacant booth in time. So it is in a conversation: catch pauses in order to organically integrate into the conversation. Perhaps a person will notice you himself and with a glance will show his readiness for communication. Ideal if you comment on a thought you hear. Learn to listen, people love to talk about themselves. Ask questions.

4. Be yourself

Celebrities are the same people, they have old friends, classmates. They look perfect to you, but they themselves are as imperfect as you. Don't play a role. People with a lot of social experience always see pretense. Share your real world: everyone has interesting stories. Then you will have a great chance to win over the person to you.

5. Respect boundaries

Do not disturb your personal space, do not come closer than 1 meter. If this is the first meeting, then watch the reaction of the counterpart. Leave right away when you feel interest fading, better come back later. This will show respect for the person's time.

How to plan an effective acquaintance

If you purposefully want to meet a famous person, here are three main steps.


Be very specific. Think about how you can be of help, but do not act as a salesperson. Take time to learn as much information about the person as possible. You can always see the latest posts on social networks, announcements of events where a celebrity participates. So you will be able to prepare interesting questions, and not the banal "How did you study in school?"


If you are going to an event and want to meet a famous person there, then the best way is to find your own "shuttle" that will take you to the desired star. Think about whether there is someone who could introduce you to the person of interest? This will already be a warm acquaintance, and not "Excuse me, can I meet?" Perhaps the famous rule of seven handshakes will work.


The day after the meeting, send the person a short greeting message on social media and refer to the meeting the day before. The letter can be supplemented, for example, with a fresh thought in the context of your conversation to start further dialogue. Even if an assistant filters messages, chances are good that he will miss your message "above", seeing that you are already familiar.

Famous people are often deprived of simple everyday and friendly communication, so they can gladly admit new people into their circle. The main thing is that you understand how you can be interesting and useful, and be honest with yourself.
