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How to promote a business without advertisers
How to promote a business without advertisers

Blind ads won't work. How to promote a business and find customers without spending money on hiring advertisers - we are talking with the service for self-promotion of goods and services "MTS Marketer".

How to promote a business without advertisers
How to promote a business without advertisers

1. Make beautiful and emotional content

  • Badly: “Designer jewelry made of silver. From 5000 rubles. Details in direct ".
  • Good: “I'm Tanya, jewelry designer. I drew a sketch of this bracelet, sitting on the warm steps of the ancient cathedral. I was inspired by the rays of the sun playing on the colorful mosaic."

The product must be of high quality and functional, but this is not enough. Customers want it to be visually pleasing, make life easier, bring pleasure and joy.

Focus not on the product itself, but on the result of its purchase for a person.

For example, if you are manufacturing doors, your writing should not be about panels and handles. Talk about safety, how the apartment will be warm, calm and no noise from the staircase is heard at all.

Share with clients interesting materials about how you create a product or service, what difficulties you face in your work, how you solve them. Instead of writing about "high-quality" and "effective" goods, tell us how you yourself go for material and buy only the best raw materials. Shoot production or quality control videos.

2. Target ads to your target audience

  • Badly: "I will make an advertisement with maximum reach, and I will get a lot of buyers."
  • Good: "I will conduct several targeted advertising campaigns for different groups of clients."

The coolest skateboard ad will generate negligible interest if shown to retirees. Don't waste your money on commercial content without audience reference.

Analyze your customers and segment them into different categories: income, age, interests, frequency of purchases and their geolocation. For each of the groups, come up with your own promotions and offers, and then post them on the site where these people are most often. For example, Instagram ads may not work if your customers are over 40. For this category, SMS is more suitable.

Finding new customers is also more effective among people who can potentially be interested in your product.

Big data algorithms are needed to analyze the target audience. You can use these technologies on the "" platform, even if you have a very small business. The service allows you to filter clients by many parameters - age, gender, interests, geolocation - and send relevant offers to each group.

3. Earn customer trust with free demos

  • Badly: "Giving something for free is just losing money."
  • Good: "I will host a free webinar to explain how to use my product."

Feeling all the benefits of your product for free is a great motivation for a future purchase. This can be a half-hour consultation, a trial period for using the service, a test drive of a product, and so on. When buying, give a small additional service or discount for your next visit.

Such advertising requires investment, but it brings good results. The client is very pleased to receive more from you than he expected. This forms loyalty - the desire to come back to you again and again.

4. Unobtrusively motivate the customer to buy

  • Badly: "The buyer sees everything himself and knows what he needs."
  • Good: "I will suggest immediately taking replaceable attachments in addition to the electric shaver, so it may be more convenient."

There are many ways to interact with hesitant customers to get them to buy. The main thing is to do it with care and without obsession. Here are some tricks from the marketing world.

Cross-sell - offer an additional item upon purchase. The famous question "Will you have a cake for coffee?" is a cross-sell example.

Upsell - to offer a similar product in a higher class. For example, the opportunity to pay a little extra when buying a ticket and ride in a luxury carriage.

Downsell - to offer a similar product in a lower class. For example, a tourist trip for a shorter period or with a cheaper hotel. Works when a customer is in doubt about a purchase because of the cost.

One-time offer (OTO) - an advantageous offer valid for a limited time. For example, for those who bought boots today, a 50% discount on all belts will be available for two days.

If you work online, you can set up similar offers on the site using the "Recommended products for you" section, banners or pop-ups.

5. Track the effectiveness of advertising on different sites

  • Badly: "I order ads in different places, some of this works for sure."
  • Good: "On the day of the promotional email, my traffic grew 70% and my sales grew 25%."

Analyze different marketing campaigns to figure out which ads are worth investing in. This will help you move away from broken channels and scale up successful ones.

You can use different phone numbers for offline promotion. Depending on which number they call, you will know what kind of ad the client saw.

On the Internet, UTM tags are used for this. These are the codes that are added to the link to your site, allowing you to understand where the traffic came from. You can compose such labels yourself or use a special UTM linker.

Using "", you can evaluate the statistics of advertising campaigns in your personal account. On the platform, you can test different types of advertising and understand which one works best with your clients: banners in social networks, mailings by SMS, email or in instant messengers. If you do not have your own customer base yet, you can use the MTS database.
