How to Achieve Your Goals: The Warren Buffett Method
How to Achieve Your Goals: The Warren Buffett Method

Warren Buffett's sayings are a treasure trove of valuable information. This time Buffett talked about how to achieve your goals without being distracted by other unimportant things.

How to Achieve Your Goals: The Warren Buffett Method
How to Achieve Your Goals: The Warren Buffett Method

Warren Buffett does not do interviews that often. But each of his interviews is then parsed into quotes, tips and ideas. For example, his statements about money or major mistakes in personal finance.

The resource's journalist recently managed to talk with a close friend of Warren Buffett. He talked about a wonderful rule that Buffett advised to use to achieve your goals.

List 25 goals you want to achieve over the next few years or over the course of your life. Choose the five most important ones.

What to do with the other 20 goals? Most would answer that by focusing on your five main goals, you can pay attention to others in your free time. Buffett doesn't think so.

Anything that didn't make the top 5 is now taboo. You should avoid other targets until you have completed the first five.

Think it's hard to make a list of 25 goals? Perhaps, yes, it is not an easy task. You can start small and write down a few goals each day. Or use the advice I wrote about in the article on how to become an ideological monster.

Most people do not fail because they lack skill or knowledge. This is most often due to the fact that we are scattered over many tasks and pay less attention to the main goal. Listen to Buffett and everything will be fine!
