How to come up with a business idea, or What prevents people from starting their own business
How to come up with a business idea, or What prevents people from starting their own business

Ask the person: what exactly prevents you from starting implementation? And he, most likely, will answer you one of the points listed below. Consider the most popular doubts and torments of those whose project was never implemented.

How to come up with a business idea, or What prevents people from starting their own business
How to come up with a business idea, or What prevents people from starting their own business

Many would like to have their own business, to realize their dream project. But how do you come up with a business idea? Few really dare to give it a try. The lion's share of projects remains forever in heads, in discussions in the kitchen, in tables and preliminary estimates. But among them there must have been and still are very successful, original, interesting ones.

1. I'm afraid

Welcome to the club! All private entrepreneurs are afraid of something. There are no fearless heroes here. The choice is simple: let your fears stop you - or use those fears as a "catalyst" so that they spur you on, kick you to success.

Indecision, uncertainty are bad allies for achieving the intended goal. Fear, if directed in the right direction, fights these qualities perfectly. It sounds strange, but true: strong fear + strong motivation overcomes all small doubts and hesitations.

2. I have no useful connections

Thanks to Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, anyone on the Internet can connect with whoever they want, if you don't want the Pope, of course. In fact, many famous people are surprisingly accessible on the web - maybe this is one of the secrets of their success? Of course, they can ignore your message / letter: but this is already your fault, which means that you have composed it incorrectly. In any case, you do not lose anything by contacting someone on the Internet, you will not be banned in Google and will not come to your door in a black nine.

Try to start small, start easy, without any psychological training. The Internet is a giant pyramid, but there is no rigid vertical and chain of command in it.

Remember, the more influential a person is, the less time they have for written responses. Write so that it is easy and interesting for a person to read, so that he becomes curious about your problem or proposal - and you will be surprised how even very famous people can easily answer you.

3. I'm already late …

Well, yes, Steve Jobs is a little ahead of you. But after all, world brands were created even before him, take at least Xerox. And Zuckerberg wasn't the first on social media, but he did well nonetheless. Successful business is not always built on ingenious innovation.

Hundreds, thousands of people earn their bread and butter, supplementing and developing someone's already realized idea. There is no goal here to be a pioneer. You just need to find a way to be more profitable, cheaper, more convenient, faster and more interesting than competitors.

4. No one will listen to me

What do most people enjoy listening to and receiving? What does the audience, shall we say, consume willingly? Amazing, informative, funny, "cute", shocking, provocative, downright stupid, sexy, piercingly sad … the list goes on.

Anything that evokes emotions and is easy to digest. If no one is listening to you, the problem is not with the people, but with you. This means that you present your information with no interest: there is nothing to discuss, nothing to find fault with, nothing to smile at, etc. Add something to your main message that will hook people up, and you will see a reaction. Even if it is negative, it is a hundred times better than no reaction at all.

5. I have no money

What does it mean to be an entrepreneur? To be able to make a profit with minimal expenditure of resources (money, time and others).

Remember once and for all: you will never have enough money. They will always, all my life, be missed for a “perfect start-up”. If your start plan involves a lot more money than you have, change your plan instead of saving up for years on a dream.

It is impossible, especially in our country, to be two hundred percent confident in your capital. But always, in any country, you can find an alternative and adjust your actions exactly to the amount that is on hand here and now.

6. I have no time

We all have the same amount of time in a day on this planet. The question is how do we manage it.

Imagine being locked in an isolated cell underground, with access to air and ample food and water. What would you be doing all your free time? Certainly you would not be on the Internet:) You would dig, every free minute you would dig a tunnel out. Because that would be the main goal of your life. This means that the question is not in time, but in priority.

7. I don't have the right skills

This is just not a problem in our time. Learn. Go to courses, to university, to correspondence courses. Read related books, read articles on the Internet. Get a job in someone's already formed small business, study the "kitchen" from the inside. Finally, find someone who works in your area of interest and offer your services for free in exchange for training. There are a lot of options.

Knowledge and skills are not given from birth, they are all acquired.

Do you think this is all too difficult? Not fair? Not interested? Well, then you really do not have and will not have the necessary skills, then just forget about your own business, and throw all your dreams into the basket.

8. I can't think of anything worthwhile

It is really very difficult to invent something brilliant, revolutionary. For this, the Nobel Prize or world fame is awarded.

Improving something that already exists is much easier and quite realistic.

Go outside and look around carefully, starting from the entrance. What, there are no problems, inconveniences around? But for every problem there is a solution. And this solution can become an idea for your business. As mentioned above, most companies, firms, corporations, LLCs, individual entrepreneurs and others make money just by improving some ready-made product or service.

9. I can't risk it

No risk can be deadly if we are not talking about crime or extreme. Any failure, loss can be experienced. And as a result, become more experienced, stronger, smarter for the next attempt. Any failure pays off in some way, even if not materially. And if you never even try, then in your old age you will only have to regret, looking back at your life: Oh, if I had only tried then … This is the only risk that really won't pay off.

10. I'm a good strategist, but a bad performer

It is not true. The real reason is different: laziness, unwillingness to do "dirty" work, or you simply consider your idea above some mundane everyday moments, or are afraid for your self-esteem (what will your friends say?), Or.

Every successful businessman is ready, if necessary, to roll up his sleeves and plow in on his own, if he needs to get a job done, and there is no one else. This, by the way, is also one of the criteria for success. You don't need extraordinary talent to get a piece of the job done. All you need is discipline and desire.

11. I'm a perfectionist, everything has to be perfect

Why do you think that you will not be able to bring what you started to perfection? Not sure, afraid, afraid of criticism? This is no longer perfectionism, but complexes. But look from the other side: try to fulfill every element of the plan, every segment one hundred percent. Even if this does not give tangible results from the outside, then for yourself you will always be on top.

Do your best and do it well.

Don't be guided by the opinions of others, the only thing that should worry you is the opinion of the clients you work for. Make the first sales, get the first reviews - and work with them. Do not strive to cover the entire market, it does not happen so that everything at once. Work in steps, but in every step, even the smallest, try to succeed.

12. It's uncomfortable, it will be uncomfortable for me to live like this

If you don’t like to do something because it violates your principles, religious rules, ethical norms absorbed from childhood, then there is only one answer: don’t do it. But if you do not like something just because you are knocked out of the usual rut, because it is unusual, unusual, then you are simply engaged in self-deception at a time when you need to adapt.

And on self-deception you will not go far: you will remain in your usual, habitable world, and you will not advance a step forward.

13. I don't know anyone who understood and appreciated my idea

Don't worry, they got your idea. They realized that she was bad. And further it makes no sense to delve into it. A cool idea, find, thing can be described in one sentence. If no one, not a single person, including your best friend and wife, understood your idea, then you have a bad idea.

Cast aside pride and wounded pride, do not indulge yourself with romantic illusions such as “no one understands me, my mind is exhausted”. This is a business, there is no romance here. Is your idea inaccessible to the majority? So, drop it and come up with another.

14. It's too hard

To do it alone on a yacht is difficult. And to implement your project (or at least try) is not difficult. Let's say you want to run after living a sedentary lifestyle for many years in a row. Yes, it’s impossible. But jogging or at least doing a morning run in the yard every day is quite real. And it can bring you closer to the dream of a marathon.

Having chosen a serious goal, have strength for serious preparation. Gradually, step by step. Do at least something to get started. Build on your success and do something else in the same direction. And then again and again. The main thing is not to lose sight of your main goal, the top of the ladder.

15. If all else fails, I will die of shame

You will not die. Of course, it will be unpleasant, offensive, painful, but what does shame have to do with it? It is a shame not to give up a place to a pregnant woman or to steal money from a pensioner. And your business is not a shame. Yes, there are many people who are always glad to others' failures, who joke, maliciously joke about the attempts of others. But what do you care about them? These people, as a rule, have never tried to implement anything themselves. This is the way it is: most willingly gloat are those who themselves do not represent much of themselves, wanting to assert themselves at the expense of others.

But there are other people as well. They will appreciate your efforts. They will respect your work, support you in difficult times, and openly show sympathy. Why? Because they themselves went through similar things.

16. It is impossible to create your own business in our country

Everyone knows what difficulties domestic businessmen face, we will not procrastinate. But for some reason they continue to exist. And new ones keep appearing. New projects, online stores, services, startups are opening. So it's still possible?

In conclusion, I would like to give an example of a small, very small business in a small town. Someone will find this funny, but someone, perhaps, will find inspiration, motivation in him.

We have a man in our city who has always loved aquarium fish and other aquatic equipment. At some point, he began to sell the offspring of his fish to acquaintances. Then I created my own website with useful articles. Then an online store with beautiful pictures and open contact with customers. He began to breed rare local breeds, already adapted to the local water and other conditions.

He gives free advice and advice to beginners. His fish are no longer worth a penny. Delivery is also paid (he delivers the goods himself on weekends, in his free time). And what do you think? Now people buy from him much more willingly than in a regular store (which in our city, moreover, does not shine with service and assortment).

I don't know if he has a main job now or if he completely switched to his fish. But I know for sure: I'd rather overpay and buy healthy, adapted fish from him with a bonus in the form of a consultation (and sometimes even a small gift) than go to a local store and get a dubious product without any recommendations.
