YouTubeMP3 Converter helps you download audio from YouTube
YouTubeMP3 Converter helps you download audio from YouTube

This service allows you to download mp3 music without downloading videos.

Anyone can download YouTube videos using one of several dozen online services. But what if you only need to extract the audio track and don't want to waste time downloading and converting videos?

The YouTubeMP3 Converter service solves this problem, and also has a number of features that may be useful to you.

YouTubeMP3 Converter: interface
YouTubeMP3 Converter: interface

If you provide a link to a playlist on YouTube, you can download it in one archive without any additional steps. All tracks in the archive will be numbered and named in the same way as videos. This is the main advantage of the service over analogues. You can also change the length of the track online. To do this, you just need to specify the start and end times of the segment you need.

In addition, the service allows you to select a specific bitrate for the audio tracks you download. If you don't, YouTubeMP3 Converter will automatically extract the best sound quality.

You can also replace the word youtube (…) with ytbmp3 (…) in the address bar of any video to start downloading the audio track.

The only drawback of the service is the low download speed of files. It is only 500-600 Kb / s. Considering that the product is free, this is a minor drawback. It will take you a little over 30 minutes to download a playlist of 200 songs.

You can check the operation of the service on the official website. The download starts instantly, you don't even have to wait for the conversion to complete.
