Calmly Writer is the best editor for working with text in flow mode
Calmly Writer is the best editor for working with text in flow mode

Calmly Writer is a Chrome app that will help you write a lot and have fun.

Calmly Writer is the best editor for working with text in flow mode
Calmly Writer is the best editor for working with text in flow mode

There are dozens of powerful word processing programs out there. Some of them have so many different functions that you need to take special courses to use them.

Calmly Writer is completely different. Its main advantages are simplicity and convenience.

Calmly Writer: text input
Calmly Writer: text input

Once launched, Calmly Writer will only show you the text entry area and nothing else. The formatting bar appears after you select the text you want to change. To access the rest of the options, click on the menu button in the window header.

Calmly Writer: dark theme
Calmly Writer: dark theme

In the settings, you can change the text display style, cursor color, enable punctuation check mode, activate the counter of written characters.

I especially liked the ability to enable dark theme and focus mode. In this case, only the line on which you are currently working is highlighted, and all the rest of the text is slightly shaded. The perfect solution for concentration.

Calmly Writer: Focus Mode
Calmly Writer: Focus Mode

Another highlight of Calmly Writer is the sound of an old typewriter when typing. Combined with full-screen night mode, it creates the perfect atmosphere for creativity, when thoughts pour into the paper. For this alone, you can fall in love with this text editor.

The program has automatic background saving, including to the cloud. Don't worry: your text will never be lost. There are imports in HTML, Plaintext, Markdown, DOCX and PDF formats.

The only drawback of the program is that it is paid. However, I still did not understand what the limitation of the free version is and when it will be necessary to pay. However, even if I have to spend money, I will do it with a light heart. The focus mode and typewriter simulation is well worth it.
